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paleonet S. J. Gould Grants

To:  Students engaged in research (and their advisors)
Re:  Grants for research and support of travel

Paleontological Society research grants

The Paleontological Society invites applications from student members and
members with postdoctoral research appointments for a limited number of $500
Stephen J.Gould Grants in support of research on any aspect of paleontology.
The deadline for applications for this year is February 28th, 2006.  For
detailed instructions and an application form (electronic), please go to
this page on the Society's website: http://www.paleosoc.org/grantin.html
To be eligible for these grants, applicants must be members of the Society.

U.S. National Science Foundation funds for travel to Beijing

NSF has agreed to fund a limited number of $1000 travel grants for U.S.
students who plan to participate in the Second International
Palaeontological Congress, June 17-21, 2006, in Beijing, China. Full details
of plans for this forthcoming event can be found at the conference website,
To apply for one of these travel grants: 1) Send a message requesting this
support, indicating the institution and degree program in which you are
enrolled, and include the abstract of your presentation or other statement
of purpose for attending this meeting.  2) Ask you advisor to send a message
confirming your U.S. student status and endorsing your application for
support.  Both messages should be sent by February 10 to David J. Bottjer,
at dbottjer@earth.usc.edu  Late applications will be considered if funds are
still available, following consideration of applications received by this
date.  This information also appears on the Society's website, at:

The Paleontological Society, which applied for the funds, will administer
these NSF travel grants.  However, they are not limited to members of the
Society.  All eligible applicants will receive equal consideration.
Eligibility for these grants is limited to "U.S. persons", that is U.S.
citizens and permanent residents.
Roger D. K. Thomas
John Williamson Nevin Professor of Geosciences
Chair, Program on Science, Technology and Society
Secretary, The Paleontological Society

Department of Earth and Environment
Franklin & Marshall College
Pennsylvania 17604-3003

FAX:    717-291-4186
Office telephone:  717-291-4135
Home telephone:   717-560-0486