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Re: paleonet YEC&DinoBlood

1 Nov 05, Wikipedia.org has a nice historical piece on YECs, including 
Huttonian dynamics, and states: "The defining characteristic of this 
belief is that the Earth is "young", on the order of 6,000 to 10,000 
years old, rather than the age of 4.5 billion years estimated by a 
variety of scientific methods including radiometric dating. Some YECs 
derive this range of figures using the ages given in the genealogies and 
other dates in the Bible, similar to the process used by Archbishop of 
Armagh and Primate of Ireland James Ussher (1581–1656) when he dated 
creation at 4004 BC according to a book he published in 1650, which has 
been revised and updated (by Larry and Marion Pierce) in 2003. YECs 
believe that life was created by God 'each after their kind' in the 
universe's first six normal-length (24-hour) days. Additionally, they 
believe that the Biblical account of Noah's flood is historically true, 
maintaining that there was a wordwide flood (circa 2349 BC) that 
destroyed all terrestrial life except that which was saved on Noah's Ark."

I'd like to know of other "evidence", too.  Let us know! Sally

Lane, Harold wrote:

> Can they provide an independent scientifically-based date on the 6-10
> thousand year age of the Earth?  
> Rich
> -----Original Message-----
> From: paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk [mailto:paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk]On
> Behalf Of Sally Walker
> Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 3:51 PM
> To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk
> Subject: paleonet YEC&DinoBlood
> 31 Oct 05, Hello Michael and all:  we just had a YEC (Young Earth 
> Creationist), a Dr. Charles Jackson, come and participate in a lively 
> debate for our Demosthenian Society. He debated whether ID should be 
> taught with evolution at the K-12 level.  He used the Schweitzer paper, 
> and argued that the fossil record can't be old at all because of the 
> beautifully preserved veins and, there you have it, the evidence that 
> dinosaurs were recently buried by the proverbial Flood.  It didn't help 
> that CNN broadcast a bloody-red picture of dino veins when the news 
> broke this year...(a 'Turner' classic colorization).  And yes, YECs 
> believe the earth is 6000 years old (or, at the most, 10k years old), 
> and some of the ID-people believe that the earth is billions of years 
> old.  They both agree, however, that a creative designer designed the 
> earth and all it's inhabitats and that they think that ID is a "theory" 
> on par with evolution, albeit using our evidence to prove their point 
> rather than disprove their point.  Sally E. Walker, Univ. of GA, Athens,