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Dear colleagues, Dear all, Just a short mail to inform you that we are currently organizing the next working meeting of the IUCN-Species Survival Commission of the Crocodile Specialist Group. You will find in the joined document basic informations regarding this event. There should be a cession concerning crocodilians in zoos (i.e. zoo's and crocodilian conservation, crocodilian exhibition & husbandary in zoos...). Any paper in any area is welcome to our meeting! Please informe the people around you. (see Pdf document to be printed and sticked up). If some of you are interested in presenting a poster or in making an oral presentation...you're most wellcome. For further details, please visit www.lafermeauxcrocodiles.com/meeting best regards, Samuel MARTIN, DMV Scientific and technical manager La Ferme aux Crocodiles Chers collègues, Cher tous, Juste un petit courrier pour vous informer que nous organisons le prochain congrès du "Crocodile Specialist Group" de la "Species Survival Commission" de l'IUCN. Vous touverez en pièce jointe un Pdf donnant les principaux éléments relatif a cette rencontre. Il devrait y avoir une cession sur les crocodiliens dans les zoos (zoos & conservation des crocodiliens, présentation & élevage des crocodiliens en parc zoologique...). Merci de faire circuler l'information autour de vous (cf Pdf à imprimer pour affichage). Si certains d'entre vous veulent présenter un poster ou faire une présentation orale...ils sont les bienvenus. Pour plus de détails www.lafermeauxcrocodiles.com/meeting Cordialement, Samuel MARTIN Dr vétérinaire, Directeur scientifique et technique, la Ferme aux Crocodiles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear colleagues, Dear all, Just a short mail to inform you that we are currently organizing the next working meeting of the IUCN-Species Survival Commission of the Crocodile Specialist Group. You will find in the joined document basic informations regarding this event. There should be a cession concerning crocodilians in zoos (i.e. zoo's and crocodilian conservation, crocodilian exhibition & husbandary in zoos...). Please informe the people around you. (see Pdf document to be printed and sticked up). If some of you are interested in presenting a poster or in making an oral presentation...you're most wellcome. For further details, please visit www.lafermeauxcrocodiles.com/meeting best regards, Samuel MARTIN, DMV Scientific and technical manager La Ferme aux Crocodiles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Samuel MARTIN la Ferme aux Crocodiles Les Blachettes F 26 700 Pierrelatte Tél lab : 00 33 (0)4 75 96 09 31 Mobile : 00 33 (0)6 13 69 56 08 Fax :00 33 (0)4 75 96 09 31 Respectfully, Xavier Panades I Blas 55, Marksbury Road Bedminster Bristol BS3 5JY England (EC) http://www.acs.bolton.ac.uk/~xp1pls/
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