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Dear Paleonetters, This is not meant as an advertisement but simply as an announcement since Cambridge Press is not going to say much about it. The book - Scott, D.B., Medioli, F.S. and Schafer, C.T., 2001, Monitoring of Coastal environments using Foraminifera and Thecamoebian indicators: Cambridge University Press (Feb. 2001), 176p. - will be out in paperback in October 2005 and will cost only 22.5 pounds sterling instead of 75 so anyone needs (wants?) one it will now be much more affordable. The website to get a look at it is: http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521561736 Cheers, dbscott David B. Scott, director Centre for Environmental and Marine Geology Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5 CANADA PH: 902-494-3604; FAX: 902-494-3877/6889 email: dbscott@dal.ca http://meguma.earthsciences.dal.ca/staff/dbscott/scott.htm NAPC2005:http://meguma.earthsciences.dal.ca/napc/napc2005-s.htm
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