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paleonet 5th Reg. Symp. IFAA

Ferrara (Italy), 30th-31st August, 2005

SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME (http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/IFAA-regional-symposium/)
Tuesday 30th August 2005
Dipartimento delle Risorse Naturali e Culturali
  09:00 – 11.00   Registration, Dip. Risorse Naturali e Culturali, Univ. of
  11:00 – 11.30   Opening session

  R. Schroeder (chairman)   Open calcareous algae session
  11.30 – 11:50   Mu X., Yan H. and Li Y.  – The latest Permian calcareous
algae of the Changxingian from the lower Yangtze region,East China, and the
establishment of a new algal province: the Pyrulites Province
  11:50 – 12:10   Cherchi A. and Schroeder R. – Selected examples of
Mesozoic calcimicrobial crusts.
  12;10 – 12:30   Guido A., Gautret P., Laggoun-Défarge F., Mastandrea A.
and Russo F. – Marine-continental organic input in the “Calcare di Base”
  12:30 – 12:50   Soulié-Märsche I. – Fossil algae vs Living algae: results
from the study of Charophytes
  12:50 – 13:10   
Tian Y. – Modern freshwater stromatolites and their algal mats in surface
calcareous tufa in Sichuan and Guizhou Areas
  13:15  – 15:00   Lunch break
  J.C. Braga (chairman)   Calcareous red algae session
  15:00 – 15:20   Aguirre J. and Braga J.C. – Geological sequence of
origination of coralline taxa defined by molecular phylogeny
  15:20 – 15:40   Nebelsick J.H. and Bassi D. – Benthic assemblages,
diversity controls and environmental parameters: assessing different scales
of complexity in coralline algal and large foraminiferal carbonates in the
  15:40 – 16:00   Bassi D., Carannante G., Murru M., Simone L. and Toscano
L. – Rhodalgal/bryomol assemblages in temperate type carbonate, channelised
depositional systems: the Early Miocene of the Sarcidano area (Sardinia,
  16:00 – 16:30   Coffee break
  J. Aguirre (chairman)   Calcareous red algae session
  16:30 – 16:50   Checconi A., Bassi D. – Lower Miocene coralline red algal
assemblages from Southern Apennines (Cusano Formation, Matese Mountains,
  16:50 – 17:10   Bucur I.I., Kiessling W. and Scasso R. – Archamphiroa
jurassica Steinmann 1930, revisited
  17:10 – 17:30   Kundal P. and Mude S.N. – Lower Miocene to Holocene
Amphiroa from Southwest Coast of India: systematics and paleoenvironmental
  17:30 – 17:50   Braga J.C., Webster J.M., Clague D.A., Moore J.G. and
Spalding H. – Very deep water coralline algae from the Island of Hawaii
  18:00   Poster session
  21:00   Symposium dinner
Wednesday 31st August 2005
Dipartimento delle Risorse Naturali e Culturali

  F. Barattolo (chairman)   Calcareous green algae session
  9:00 – 9:20   Grgasović T. and Sokac B. – New Dasyclads from the Anisian
of Lika (Croatia)  
  9:20 – 9:40   Bucur I.I., Arnaud-Vanneau A. and Arnaud H.  – Remarks on
Triploporella praturlonii Barattolo 1982 from the Lower Barremian of Vercors
(SE France)     
  9:40 – 10:00   Bucur I. – A new Salpingoporella species from the Lower
Aptian deposits of Padurea Craiului (northern Apuseni Mountains, Romania)
  10:00 – 10:20   Mancinelli A. – Upper Barremian new Dasycladacean from
Monte Cairo (southern Latium, Italy)
  10:20   Coffee break
  P. Génot (chairman)   Calcareous green algae session
  10:50 –11:10   Barattolo F. and Baceta J.I. — Dasycladalean green algae
from the Paleocene shallow water successions of the Pyrenean Basin
  11:10 – 11:30   Génot P. – Dasycladales communities during Lutetian in
  11:30 – 11:50   Granier B. – The genus Zergabriella, a review
  12:15   Assembly of the International Fossil Algae Association
  13:00   Lunch break
  14:30 – 16:00   Workshop (I.I. Bucur) Classification criteria of
Dasycladales and Bryopsidales (Halimedaceae) green algae: a review
  16:00-17:30   Workshop (J.C. Braga) Palaeobiogeography of calcareous algae
  18:30   Visit to the Estense Castle
  September 1st  – 3rd 2005   Post-meeting field excursion
  I.I. Bucur (chairman)   Poster Session
  Basso D., Nalin R. and Massari F.   Titanoderma pustulatum is a major
framework builder in the Pleistocene Coralligenous “de Plateau” of Cutro
(Calabria, Southern Italy)
  Basso D., Vannucci G. and Tintori A.     Oligocene Corallinales
(Rhodophyta) of Salcedo (Vicenza, NE Italy)
  Bruni R., Bucur I.I. and Preat A.      Stratigraphical range of calcareous
algae in the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits from Fara San Martino
(Maiella, Italy)   
  Di Geronimo R.      An account of Pleistocene species of Lithophyllum
(Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta) from Sicily (Southern Italy)
  Génot P.   New datas on Dasycladales of the Mons Basin (Belgium)
  Iryu Y. and Bassi D.   Redescription of Ishijima's types of coralline
algal species (Corallinales, Rhodophyta)
  Lazar S., Almogi-Labin A.‚ Buchbinder B. and Benjamini C.     A
sedimentological, faunal and floral profile of the carbonate system off
Akhziv, northern Israel
  Leszczyński S., Kołodziej B. and Bassi D.     Siliciclastic-carbonate
deposits in the flysch of the Outer Carpathians: a case study from the
Istebna Beds in Melsztyn (Silesian Nappe, ?Paleocene)
  Moczydlowska M.   Life cycle and wall ultrastructure of Early Cambrian
unicellular green algae (Chlorophyta)
  Peter A. and Prica I.   Description of red algae genus from Jibou area and
caracteristics of limestones from where they came from
  Soulié-Märsche I.   Helicity of Charophyte gyrogonites through time
  Tomás S., Aguirre J. and Braga J.C.   Late Hauterivian Coralline algae
from the Avellà Formation (Maestrat Basin, Iberian Cordillera, E Spain).
Taxonomic and evolutionary implications.

Leaders: D. Bassi, J.H. Nebelsick, D. Masetti, R. Posenato, M. Avanzini, F.
Barattolo. R. Romano, N. Pugliese, K. Drobne, B. Ogorelec.
Meeting point: in front to the Dipartimento delle Risorse Naturali e
Culturali across from the Palazzo dei Diamanti.
Departure time: 7.45 h.
September 1st, 2005
Morning: Ferrara-Mossano (Vicenza). Mossano stratigraphic section where
Middle to Upper Eocene shallow water carbonates contain coralline algal and
larger foraminiferal facies successions.
Lunch in Mossano.
Afternoon: Mossano - Tonezza del Cimone (Vicenza). Lower Jurassic lagoonal
benthic assemblages represented by larger bivalves of the Lithiotis facies,
larger foraminifera, cyanobacterial encrustations and non-marine black
Accomodation and dinner in Tonezza.
September 2nd, 2005

Morning: Tonezza del Cimone-Lavini di Marco (Trento). Visit to the famous
paleontological site “Lavini di Marco” in which Lower Jurassic dinosaur
tracks are preserved. Stromatolites and dasycladaleans are also present.
Lunch in Lavini di Marco.
Afternoon: Transfer from Lavini di Marco to Rupingrande (Trieste)
Accomodation and dinner in Rupingrande (Trieste)
September 3rd, 2005

Morning: Rupingrande-Padriciano. The Padriciano stratigraphic section with
Maastrichtian beds, the K/T boundary and a complete sequence of shallow
water carbonates Danian to Thanetian in age (SBZ1-4). The section shows a
very rich content of Stromatolites and Charophyta (lower part of the
section) and foraminifera and red algae (upper part).
Padriciano – Dolenia Vas (Slovenja) and Čebulovica. Sections of Dolenja vas
and Čebulovica characterized by abundant and well preserved association of
Lunch in Rupingrande
Afternoon: Rupingrande-Medea. Visit of the Medea hill, the type-locality of
Microsporangiella buseri and Cymopolia paronai.
Travel back to Ferrara.

Dott. Davide BASSI, Ph.D.

Dipartimento delle Risorse Naturali e Culturali
Lab. di Paleobiologia e Paleoecologia
Università di Ferrara
Corso Ercole I d'Este 32
I - 44100 Ferrara

Tel. ++39-0532-293727
Fax ++39-0532-208561
E-mail: bsd@unife.it
Home-page: http://utenti.unife.it/davide.bassi
Dept.-web page: http://web.unife.it/dipartimento/drinac/