William Patten -- try the following obituary and biographical article:
Gerould, J.H. 1932. Obituary: William Patten. Science, 76: 481-482.
Langenheim, R.L., Jr. 1999. Patten, William. American National Biography,
17: 129.
Alan Kabat
Dear All,
I am currently working on an Museum Studies MSc project examining the
changing perspectives on Ostracoderms, looking at them as objects (trying
to stop it drifting into a history of science project) and as part of this
am looking at several workers, notably Hugh Miller, William
Patten and Erik Stensio.
This project has a strong museum studies bias. While
biographical material on Miller and Stensio is easy enough to come by I
can't seem to find anything about William Patten. I've found plenty of
information about his theories, but nothing about him personally. Does
anyone know of any references, obituaries, etc of relevance?
Thanks in advance
David Godfrey
University of Leicester,
C/O Dept Palaeontology
Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road