Dear Carl,
if you count Pleistocene specimens as fossils, there is one example
from New Zealand:
Curry, G. B. 1999. Original shell colouration in late Pleistocene
terebratulid brachiopods from New Zealand. Palaeontologica
electronica, 2 (2).
But what really could help you is a list compiled by Hoare (1978)
including 329 annotated references on color preservation. Most of
them should represent preservation of color patterns, but you should
check. The citation is:
Hoare, R. D. 1978. Annotated bibliography on preservation of color
patterns on invertebrate fossils. The Compass of Sigma Gamma
Epsilon, 55 (3): 39-63.
If it is not available in your library, I could send you a copy.
Maybe also of interest:
Parker, A. K. 1998. Colour in Burgess Shale animals and the effect of
light on evolution in the Cambrian. Proc. R. Soc. Lond., B 265: 967-
Dr. Michael Streng
Uppsala Universitet
Institutionen för Geovetenskaper
Villavägen 16
75236 Uppsala
Tel. +46-18-471 2733 / -2579
Fax +46-18-471 2749
e-post: michael.streng@geo.uu.se