Seeking a post-doctoral research associate to
participate in NSF-funded global meta-analysis of marine benthic
assemblages, to assess and develop new quantitative approaches to using
skeletal remains as proxies of live communities for conservation biology,
marine ecology, and paleoecological analysis. Associate will take
the lead in live-dead analysis of rescued samples from coastal US waters,
assist in the construction of a relational database, and, depending
on expertise, participate in multivariate analysis and modelling of
either taphonomic processes or macroecological patterns. Experience
in statistical analysis and database construction required, expertise in
marine benthic communities preferred. 1 year appointment with
potential for second year, starting summer 2005. Requires either
PhD in hand or dissertation submitted and approved for degree.
Please send an application letter, CV, and 2 letters of recommendation to
Susan Kidwell, Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago,
The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
Paul Harnik
Committee on Evolutionary Biology
University of Chicago
5734 S. Ellis. Ave, Hinds 229
Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: (773)795-1170
Fax: (773)702-9505