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paleonet free reprints - list 2

To all Paleonetters,

I have rescued some more library discards of interest to the paleo. 
community & I am willing to mail them to good homes anywhere in the world.  
The items include paleo., strat., general geology, and biology/ecology 
papers.  I have divided the list into several parts because the entire list 
is too long for one Paleonet posting.

Please be as specific as possible about which items you’d like.

Off-line requests only, please.

E-mail your wish lists off-line to:   stjohn.2@osu.edu

Please include your complete & current mailing address.

“Anything left over at the end” requests are also welcome.

Due to the high volume of requests, please understand that some time will 
elapse before you hear back from me about what you may or may not be getting.


James St. John


James St. John
Founders Hall 156A
1179 University Drive
Ohio State University at Newark
Newark, Ohio 43055  USA

Paleozoic strat. & paleo.
Sayre (1930) - The fauna of the Drum Limestone of Kansas and western 
Missouri.  Bulletin of the University of Kansas 17.  pp. 75-203. [includes 
Pennsylvanian-aged bryozoans, brachiopods, bivalves, gastropods, trilobites, 
nautiloids, ammonoids]

McLaren (1955) - Devonian Formations in the Alberta Rocky Mountains between 
Bow and Athabasca Rivers.  Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 35.  59 pp. 
+ fold-out maps, cross-sections.

Kellum (1958) - The Dundee Limestone in Manistee County, Michigan.  Papers 
of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 43: 39-49. [Devonian]

McLaren & Norris (1964) - Fauna of the Devonian Horn Plateau Formation, 
District of Mackenzie.  Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 114.  74 pp.  
17 pls. [includes rugose corals, tabulate corals, brachiopods, trilobites]

Norris (1965) - Stratigraphy of the Rocky Mountain Group in the southeastern 
Cordillera of Canada.  Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 125.  82 pp. + 
fold-out maps. [Late Paleozoic]

Mitchell (1967) - Stratigraphy of the Silica Formation of Ohio and the 
Hungry Hollow Formation of Ontario, with paleogeographic interpretations.  
Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 52: 175-196. 

Jones & Roberts (1976) - Some aspects of Carboniferous biostratigraphy in 
eastern Australia: a review.  BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics 
1: 141-151.

Radke (1976) - Hierarchical classification and vector ordination in the 
distinction of limestones in the Fairfield Group, Canning Basin, Western 
Australia.  BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics 1: 63-76. 
[Devonian-Carboniferous] [2 copies]

Dickins (1985) - Late Palaeozoic glaciation.  BMR Journal of Australian 
Geology & Geophysics 9: 163-169.

Brakel (1986) - Global sea-level change as a method of correlating the Late 
Permian coal measures in the Sydney, Gunnedah, and Bowen Basins, eastern 
Australia.  BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics 10: 17-22.

O’Brien (1986) - Stratigraphy and sedimentology of Late Palaeozoic 
glaciomarine sediments beneath the Murray Basin, and their palaeogeographic 
and palaeoclimatic significance.  BMR Journal of Australian Geology & 
Geophysics 10: 53-63.

Steele-Petrovich (1990) - Lithostratigraphy of upper Middle Ordovician 
sedimentary rocks, lower Ottawa Valley, Ontario and Quebec.  Geological 
Survey of Canada Paper 90-1B: 131-134.

Mesozoic strat. & paleo.
Burgl (1954) - The Lower Cretaceous in the environs of Leiva village 
(Boyaca).  Boletin Geologico [Colombia] 1(1): 5-22, 4 pls. [in Spanish; 
English summary]

Burgl & Tobon (1954) - The Upper Cretaceous in the Girardot region.  Boletin 
Geologico [Colombia] 2(1): 23-48, 8 pls. [in Spanish; English summary]

Burgl (1955a) - The Apulo Anticline.  Colombia Instituto Geologico Nacional, 
Boletin Geologico 3(2): 2-22, 4 pls. [in Spanish; English & German 
summaries] [includes Cretaceous ammonites & bivalves]

Burgl (1955b) - The Guadalupe between Tabio and Chia.  Colombia Instituto 
Geologico Nacional, Boletin Geologico 3(2): 23-55, pls. 5-8. [in Spanish; 
English & German summaries] [includes Cretaceous ammonites & bivalves]

Kellum (1956) - Cretaceous invertebrates of the Aurora Limestone.  Papers of 
the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 41: 205-231. [includes 
echinoids, gastropods, bivalves, ammonites]

Burgl (1960b) - The Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Rio Bata, Boyaca.  
Boletin Geologico [Colombia] 6(1-3): 169-21, pls. 9, 10. [in Spanish; 
English & German summaries] [includes ammonites & bivalves]

Graham (1961) - An annotated bibliography of California Cretaceous 
microfossils.  California Division of Mines Special Report 66.  43 pp.

Echavarria (1965a) - Cretaceous coals from north of Sabana de Bogota.  
Boletin Geologico [Colombia] 13: 5-83. [in Spanish]

Echavarria (1965b) - Preliminary information on the coal basins of Boyaca 
and Cundinamarca (Guaduas-Tocaima).  Boletin Geologico [Colombia] 13: 85-99. 
[in Spanish] [Cretaceous]

Andelkovic (1969) - The stratigraphy of flysch in the Yugoslav part of the 
Carptaho-Balkan Arch.  Geoloschki Anali Balkanskoga Poluostrva [Annales 
Geologiques de la Peninsule Balkanique] 34: 1-10. [in Serbian; English 
summary] [Mesozoic]

Exon & Senior (1976) - The Cretaceous of the Eromanga and Surat Basins.  BMR 
Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics 1: 33-50. [2 copies]

Skwarko & Nicoll & Campbell (1976) - The Late Triassic molluscs, conodonts, 
and brachiopods of the Kuta Formation, Papua New Guinea.  BMR Journal of 
Australian Geology & Geophysics 1: 219-230.

Burne & Crowe (1977) - Aeolianites in the Jurassic Jurgurra Sandstone, 
Canning Basin, Western Australia.  BMR Journal of Australian Geology & 
Geophysics 2: 314-317.

Gorter (1978) - Triassic environments in the Canning Basin, Western 
Australia.  BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics 3: 25-33.

Avram (1980) - Stratigraphy of the Predelus Pass Region.  Anuarul 
Institutului de Geologie si Geofizica [Annuaire de l’Institut deGeologie et 
de Geophysique] 54: 5-152, 15 pls. + fold-out maps. [in Romanian; French 
summary; English abstract] [Cretaceous]

Exon & Burger (1981) - Sedimentary cycles in the Surat Basin and global 
changes of sea level.  BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics 6: 153-
159. [Mesozoic]

Iannace (1989) - The Upper Triassic of the Lattari Mountains: initial 
stratigraphic and sedimentological data.  Rendiconti della Societa Geologica 
Italiana 12: 29-32. [in Italian]

Gamba & Indrelid & Taite (1990) - Sedimentology of the Upper Cretaceous 
Queen Charlotte Group, with special reference to the Honna Formation, Queen 
Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.  Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-
1F: 67-73.

Carter & Galbrun (1990) - A preliminary note on the application of 
magnetostratigraphy to the Triassic-Jurassic boundary strata, Kunga Island, 
Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.  Geological Survey of Canada 
Paper 90-1F: 43-46.

Cookenboo & Bustin (1990) - Lithostratigraphy of the northern Skeena 
Mountains, British Columbia.  Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-1F: 151-
156. [Mesozoic]

Evenchick & Green (1990) - Structural style and stratigraphy of southwest 
Spatsizi map area, British Columbia.  Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-
1F: 135-144. [Mesozoic]

Haggart & Gamba (1990) - Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Longarm 
Formation, southern Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.  Geological 
Survey of Canada Paper 90-1F: 61-66. [Cretaceous]

Hesthammer (1990) - Structural interpretation of Upper Triassic and Jurassic 
units exposed on central Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British 
Columbia.  Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-1F: 11-18.

Hickson (1990) - A new Frontier Geoscience Project: Chilcotin-Nechako 
region, central British Columbia.  Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-1F: 
115-120. [Mesozoic]

Hunt & Bustin (1990) - Stratigraphy, organic maturation, and source rock 
potential of Cretaceous strata in the Chilcotin-Nechako region (Nazko 
Basin), British Columbia.  Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-1F: 121-127.

Indrelid (1990) - Stratigraphy and structures of Cretaceous units, central 
Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.  Geological Survey 
of Canada Paper 90-1F: 5-10.

Jakobs (1990) - A discussion of the Phantom Creek Formation of the Maude 
Group, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.  Geological Survey of 
Canada Paper 90-1F: 57-60. [Jurassic]

Jakobs & Galbrun (1990) - Preliminary report on the magnetostratigraphy of 
the Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) strata in the Queen Charlotte Islands, British 
Columbia.  Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-1F: 55-56.

Ricketts (1990) - A preliminary account of sedimentation in the lower Bowser 
Lake Group, northern British Columbia.  Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-
1F: 145-150. [Jurassic]

Smith & Tipper & Palfy (1990) - Lower Jurassic biostratigraphy of the Fannin 
and Ghost Creek formations, Kunga Island, British Columbia.  Geological 
Survey of Canada Paper 90-1F: 51-54.

Tipper & Carter (1990) - Evidence for defining the Triassic-Jurassic 
boundary at Kennecott Point, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.  
Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-1F: 37-41.

Mesozoic & Cenozoic strat.

Van der Hammen (1960) - Tertiary and Maastrichtian continental stratigraphy 
and tectogenesis of the Colombian Andes.  Boletin Geologico [Colombia] 6(1-
3): 67-128, 7 pls. [in Spanish; English summary] [pls. 1-3 missing here]

Bustin (1990) - Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and petroleum source rock 
potential of the Georgia Basin, southwest British Columbia and northwest 
Washington State.  Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-1F: 103-108.

Haggart & Indrelid & Hesthammer & Gamba & White (1990) - A geological 
reconnaissance of the Mount Stapleton-Yakou Lake region, central Queen 
Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.  Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-
1F: 29-36.

Lewis (1990) - New timing constraints on Cenozoic deformation in the Queen 
Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.  Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-
1F: 23-28.

Monger (1990) - Georgia Basin: regional setting and adjacent Coast Mountains 
geology, British Columbia.  Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-1F: 95-107.

Taite (1990) - Observations on structure and stratigraphy of the Sewell 
Inlet-Tasu Sound area, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.  
Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-1F: 19-22.