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RE: paleonet Stupid design

Hi Tim,

I agree with you, and I can understand your point of view from a Professor. 
However, I am still think that ID and Creationist movement from any religion 
or group could have a dramatic impact on our field, and we need to respond 
to them to preserve our field.
We cannot keep ourselves in a "paleontological reserve" just scapping a 
livinga, and let other people take over our field, I think we ought to 
communicate our ideas to society in an organised way.

As well as I find your idea of "more scholarly Paleonet2"" and "some of our 
members have difficulties with English grammar "total bigotry and 
marginalisation of most of us to a chosen elite. I think we should spread 
and provide the proper ways to augment the number of people working in our 

Finally, I would like to apologise for my words used in my message and any 
gramatical mistakes I have made (particularly when some of us are disable).


Xavier Panades I Blas, Ms

Please, send letters to:

55, Marksbury Road
Bristol BS3 5JY
European Community

From: Tim  Patterson <tpatters@ccs.carleton.ca>
Reply-To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk
To: <paleonet@nhm.ac.uk>
Subject: paleonet Stupid design
Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2005 14:04:38 -0400

Dear Colleagues

I like to think of Paleonet as a scholarly discussion group. I realize that
some of our members have difficulties with English grammar but I don't think
it appropriate that characterizations of 'moron' and 'stupid' and other
flames are appropriate ways to characterize people -- no matter what you
think of them.  Paleonet does seem to be changing its focus.  Perhaps it is
time to establish a more scholarly Paleonet2, that is more similar in
content to the way that Paleonet used to be.

Tim Patterson

Dr. R. Tim Patterson
Professor of Geology
Dept. of Earth Sciences
College of Natural Sciences
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario

tel: 613-520-2600 ext. 4425
fax: 613-520-2569

On 4/8/05 1:32 PM, "Xavier Panades I Blas" <cogombra@hotmail.com> wrote:

 > Hi,
 > I think ID like the Alpha courses is part of this recent Christian
 > fundamentalist movement trying to evangelised the world! Here is where 
 > fail when they try to submit people. Instead of nobody tries to submit
 > people to believe or practise science...People that we are involved we 
 > go there!
 > For example, I have never seen a group of people on the streets giving
 > leaflets, and trying to gain adepts to science!
 > I disagree with everybody that says we should not talk about this, I 
 > dare that you are totally wrong! The sociopolitical implications that 
 > morons are dominating education in USA and trying to infiltrate in EC 
 > make lots of us to lose our jobs, even this list to be ban eventually.
 > However, we should be more constructive and fight officially back and 
 > these guys in the media to demonstrate their tru faith!
 > I used to be surprise how people could became like that, and then I 
 > that we give people too much credit!
 > Xavier Panades I Blas, Ms
 > Please, send letters to:
 > 55, Marksbury Road
 > Bedminster
 > Bristol BS3 5JY
 > England
 > European Community
 > cogombra@hotmail.com