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Re: paleonet Homo sapiens / H. erectus introgression

No one said there was no such thing as evidence of absence.
 The statement is merely that the lack of evidence does not
equate with evidence of absence.
--- John Jackson <strangetruther@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > and absence of evidence is not
> > evidence of absence.
> > K.Burton
> My favourite is: "Thought is the servant of action":
> You're looking up and down the road, about to cross. 
> Now do you believe there is no such thing as evidence
> of absence?  No, or you'd never cross a road.
> How much lack of evidence is equivalent to absence is
> what half of statistics is about, and that popular
> little truism is a wicked little falsism every time
> it's used, as it so often is, by politicians and civil
> servants, but should never be by scientists!
> As for Popper, far be it from me to warn against him,
> indeed I celebrate him here...
> http://www.geocities.com/strangetruther/pottedpopper.html
> ,
> ...but perhaps crystalised Popper is enough:
> Evidence is NOT observation(s) "somewhat" compatible
> with one theory, but observation(s) better predicted
> or explained by one theory than another.
> I don't know of any palaeontologist except Pete Wagner
> and myself who appears to recognise this as the
> definition of science.  I'm sorry but not following
> this principle is like being a creationist; in fact,
> in a number of ways, worse.
> Cordially,
> JJ
> http://www.geocities.com/strangetruther/picphilos1.html
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