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On Tue, 8 Mar 2005, Leo, Sandy wrote: > Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 14:27:14 -0700 > From: "Leo, Sandy" <atleo@sandia.gov> > Reply-To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk > To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk > Subject: RE: paleonet cautions on biblical interpretation, > from faith and skepticism > > Folks -- If our local paper (Stockton Record) had not recently printed > the two sides of the story in a so-called balanced view of evolution vs. > intelligent design, I would have been willing to move on. However, the > paper did print a couple of articles, so I suspect that the battle > between science & religion will be moving into our local schools here in > central California. Dear Sandy, and here part 2 of the reply comes. Again: Written friendly and constructive. Further such replies are not planned. I hope that, when forwarded, these two e-mails contribute to progress by joining two different groups that sometimes appear to fight against each other (maybe they see rising topics that are much more interesting than changing school curricula). The evolution discussion has a long lifetime. Thus also a piece from me. (Part 2) Sometimes in the discussion one side wins a point, then the other. Sometimes a gap between the different groups appears to widen, in the worst case first to a gorge and then to an ocean. This does not lead to progress. If in the worst case Earth History is wrongly identified as bad, simply by not-thorough bible reading, it is not only bad for all of us but also bad for progress (see Italy). Assuming most are good-willing, including bible-research institutes, things can be sorted and in some cases in the light of the knowledge of the 21st century also Religion can be moved forward. All who are not interested in it: Please delete. I was hesitating quite a long time contributing to this thread as it might appear off-topic. I wrote it such that in the US it can in case of a similar discussion in a schoolboard etc. be simply forwarded. It can also be forwarded to US churches. They might feel encouraged to do religion right and thus sort out the various components. (including nomenclature, DD1 to DD7, the liberality of the ten rules and Jesus statements compared to misinterpretations such as "flirtations without marriage" (not forbidden) versus "braking a marriage" (forbidden). By doing so, I hope, they can get open minded towards geology and particularly by clearly sorting out in a table: "What, according to the bible, is said by God, Jesus, the Angels" versus "what are additions by near-east goat-ranchers" (Leviticus?) The alternative, see the recent posting by Sandy Leo on Californian issues, would be to regard progress of the 21st century as abandoned and to concentrate on never-depleting oilfields (in the sense of the technology). The resaons for this posting (incl. the previous) are quite pragmatical: (a) Silvio Berlusconi (Italian Prime Minister) is reported to have attempted changing the Italian school-curriculum such that evolution is not taught in the first about nine classes. School-customers should first learn the biblical version, later, if they are still at school, the scientific. Whether this attempt was successful I don t know. (b) the reported concerns on this list young students sometimes have when being exposed to earth history. A voluntarily two hour extra unit, outlining Holocene environmemnts, the biblical environment, even the DD1 to DD7 scheme might address such concerns. Thus the preceding and this posting are also intended to be forwarded, where it appears useful, to such boards/bodies in the US so for example bible-belt based schoolboards etc. can bridge nomenclatorical and other gaps. Of course, as Bill Chaisson pointed out, I wrote the e-mail good willing and in a positive mood (Thankyou). The parts on earth history, flood, paleontology bible and sociology aim at this (previous). (c) Some readers to which this and the preceding e-mail might be forwarded, might be hesitant to apply scientific principles, e.g. testing hypotheses. Again, thankyou Bill for contributing the excerpts from Sir Karl Popper. For them I suggested to read the bible thoroughly and sorting in the form of a data-table out: What, according to the bible, is said by god/the angels (such as the ten rules) and Jesus and what is added by near east goat-ranchers of 800 BC (thankyou Phil for correcting me). Also on this list it was said that people like lawyers, medical doctors etc. support the biblical version of earth history. Thus apparently such concerns need to be addressed. If some are hesitant to be open-minded for reasons of the (compact) "score for the time after death" they are invited to the Paleontology and Sociology section (below) and "how are humans able to say that by xyz ascetics, abc behaviour a voucher for a good life on the other side" is achieved. This includes "where bishops/mullahs, paleontology based, sometimes misuse good-willingness of church-attendents. I would in the form of an Ansatz (in the sense of equations) assume that 90% of bible-reading persons might be open-minded if evidences are explained calmly and well such as on a University website in the US, a church website in the US (with additional input regarding data from a university) and so forth. The remaining 10% can come to the same conclusions by sorting bible-statements in above sense. The next questions are: Progress is pulling the future into the present. Changing curricula to the knowledge of near-east goat-ranchers, 800 BC, is one sometimes found desire of near-church bodies in the US. Not only for Geology but also for the public in general I regard it as much more exciting for Churches to put the abilities, determination and also, from millions of their members, the assembled skills together to address unsolved questions of religion and science - with the knowledge and the methods of the 21st century. The following lines sketch briefly a to do list for the next decades. The important thing is the term "science" in "Religion Science" e.g.: Testing hypotheses open-minded. In the light of growing knowledge some items might not be followed in the future (such as the Australian Serpent). Some items might be identified as communicative misunderstanding (if I understood it correctly at school the historical Santa Claus was a bishop in Turkey in the early church; he did considerable charitable deeds (not miracles) including working successful against starvation in a respective city; that is celebrated on Dec 6). Point 4 (below) addresses: Where are the open questions? How might they be addressed? Can miracles be turned into procedures? Todays wireless internet for example might be labeled as "desire from the realm of miracles" when addressed 400 years ago. What must be postponed until better data are available? If, with funding from US churches, in a scientific institute an informal group on Religion Science forms, a respective agenda might be established (e.g. the next 20+ years). To avoid any misunderstanding I repeat what Bill Chaisson wrote: "As I understanding (...) Smolka's reasoning, he feels that if Christian fundamentalists would simply embrace the philosophical perspective of the late Sir Karl Popper, then we could all live quite happily together. Well, we always have hope, I guess. Last night I happened to read a Richard Bradford Trust lecture (delivered Mar 4, 1977) by Peter Medawar. I quote: In Popper's view the generative act in scientific discovery or in the solution of a problem is the formulation of an hypothesis, i.e., an imaginative conjecture about what the truth of the matter might be. An hypothesis is a sort of draft law or guess about what the world-or some particularly interesting part of it-may be like .... In outcome science is not a collection of facts or of unquestionable generalisations, but a logically connected network of hypotheses which represent our current opinion about what the real world is like. Most of the day-to-day business of science consists not of hunting for facts as an inductivist might suppose, but of testing hypotheses, that is, seeing if they stand up to the test of real life .... Acts undertaken to test a hypothesis are referred to as 'experiments'. What is being tested in an experiment is the logical implications of the hypothesis, i.e. the logical consequences of accepting a hypothesis. A well designed and technically ( ... ) ... No matter how often the hypothesis is confirmed-no matter how many apples fall downwards instead of upwards-the hypothesis embodying the Newtonian gravitational scheme cannot be said to have been proven to be true. Any hypothesis is still sub judice and may conceivably be supplanted by a different hypothesis later on.* " **************************** Some might find some thoughts of part 4 below unusual. One of the most unsual sciences is however Geology: In parts of paleoclimatology for example (fauna/flora based paleotemperatures) analyses start with 21 dimensions (Imbrie and Kipp, 1971) and end up with five. Others start with 41 dimensions (Cline and Hays, 1976) and end up with six for simplicity. These are well-established methods (see the impact of CLIMAP for 18K and see IGCP341 for Neogene time-intervals). Addressing people from bible-research institutes: Free thinking regarding geometry is one standard approach in Geology (explicite hints to computational details: Davis, ca. 1971: Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology). "I found (...) Smolka's missive to be filled with a great deal of good will in sense that he seemed to be saying that Biblical statements are so open-ended from a logical standpoint that if they were subjected to Popperian-type tests in an easy-going manner, they would most assuredly pass most of the time. " Thankyou Bill. Continuing the e-mail: 3b) Paleontology and Sociology (for a website, university/US church) How, under the influence of paleontology, did religious leaders in contrast to the bible sometimes say the opposite following the logic: Everything nice is forbidden. Ascetics implements this. By doing this a high score is achieved. At the end of life the aquired high score is cashed in into an upgrade for eternal life-quality afterwards. To outline where bishops/mullahs misused their open-mindedness and loyality for concepts beyond religion (such as bishops/mullahs sake) might also be a subthread of a respective website. As a bible research institute might easily say "also bishops are humans and can thus commit sins" they might be open minded to sort bishops/mullahs additions (in church nomenclature: sin laden deviations) from original advice by God/Jesus/the angels. I do not remember any sentence of the bible saying: "God/Jesus/the angel said that by xyz ascetics nmk amounts of benefit abc is earned." Thus parts of bishops/mullahs extrabiblical additions are part of paleontology/ sociology and not of religion (= on the to do list). Why behave bishops/mullahs sometimes so harsh, often independent of what Jesus / the bible said / says? The answer is in paleontology: Once a new species evoloved it, comparable to a liquid, tends to fill the available space. To support this: The genes tend to spread worldwide and eliminate "the others". As more than one species exists competition can be observed. To ensure a maximum spread of the own genes not only maximum reproducability is one of the means but also the tendency to inhibit others to reproduce, even by eliminating (such as the male lion who bites the "kittens" of his predessor lion to death). A territorial behaviour of some animals, e.g. pushing others out of the own area, appears also as supporting method in above sense. The brain evolved by evolution. Thus human habits, also in interactions, can be regarded as subject to evolution (e.g. caused by evolution and evolving further). In the past wide shoulders at men assured safety for flirtating women (e.g. mammoth-burgers, now replaced by the VISA Gold Card). To attract data to check the female fashion is accordingly. The genes with above pattern survived (e.g. are now a well-known model). Others reduced. So this is normal. It needs to be studied (Sociology, Paleontology, Anthropology): Are rules that impose on women to cover to a maximum extent evolutive mechanisms to ensure the spread of "own" (the husbands / own groups) genes (= to keep other genes out)? E.g. is, what some bishopps/mullahs label as "good" or "sin" simply an evolutive mechanism to ensure spread of own genes or the own ethnicity? Is the imposition of ascetic rules a form of dominance behavior in the sense of above territorial behavior? Just: The bible appears to prescribe only very little and that very liberal (e.g. that part labeled as "By God/Jesus/the Angels"). Did, not having studied geology, bisphops/mullahs possibly not study the bible/koran/jewish text but simply impose own (male) territorial behavior on listeners? The patterns in the large religions appear quite comparable: In any religion the "orthodox" has a high value, in the sense "They do it right". In any of these (for orthodox in Israel referring to a report in a general journal on settlers in the westbank area) for example many children are desired, the woman is regarded subordinate to the man, even covering the hair of the women is not an islamic peculiarity but can be observed as habit to aim at in orthdox jewish and christian subcommunities (written as neutral observation, everybody can dress as he/she likes). The clothing of catholic nuns for example (optically not too far from the islamic) does not appear to be driven by protection against sunburn or cold. In case a muslim gets angry: Allah sees anyway all details; hiding something makes thus no sense under aspects of religion. Saying that Allah cannot see everything contradicts religion. The only source for such clothing can be the men of that society. That can be studied. Assessing this paleontology-driven behaviour (territorial behaviour, spreading of the own genes, inhibiting others to spread the genes), respective patterns in different religions (e.g. rules that are claimed to be religion-based morality but in fact are male wishes) can be systematized, also as aspect of how evolution works in the Late Holocene and put on a website. The spreading/inhibitions of thoughts might follow comparable patterns. The benefit for humanity: If religion (e.g. the God/Jesus/Angel based component) and male territorial behaviour are sorted out, peace and progress is supported. Particularly people don t need to suffer (sunday school, koran school) erraneosuly thinking that it is good for reasons of religion where in fact it is vertebrate paleontology (male territorial behaviour, 600 million years evolution) Assessing such patterns in different societies / religions (what is regarded as "sin" although in the bible not indicated as "rule by God/Jesus/the Angels") and putting it on an evolutionary website (how evolution spreads both genes and concepts) is a task of Paleontology/Sociology/Ethnology (and potentially an area for new theses). 4) Religion Science Part 1:Pragmatical Aspects Part 2: Geometrical Aspects (computationally) ad 4a) Pragmatical Aspects (stepwise aquiring Jesus skills by everybody and data communication) 4-1) With some likelyhood parts of he following thoughts exist already. In this case they need to be systematized in a scientific context that is: Not fighting for or against a hypothesis but calmly developing methods further, including small steps if intermediate hypotheses are optimized. It is accepted that Jesus had a long-lasting worldwide impact. This impact would not have existed if he wouldn t have reached people: Both 2000 years ago, in the time between and now. Now the unsolved questions, e.g. parts of a to do list for the future (instead of changing school curricula) starts. One of these subparts contains a safety hint stressing the importance to test hypotheses _calmly_ in above sense. Regarding Jesus (task list): In medicine: Various successful treatments of really severe cases, e.g. blind persons, persons unable to move. And the task for us: Are there similar very seldom cases (e.g. blind getting able to see, wheelchair users getting able to move) also today? What, with current knowledge, might be entrances to this ability? (possible entrances to testing below). E.g. which research might Religion Science, together with others, do? Including (metanoie): Reassssing / rethinking existing observations under new aspects. To avoid being critisized by conservative catholic people: Are there also other overlooked aspects? Example for research (to do): In the bible it is said: "To him a man was brought who was born blind. He was asked by his followers: Who did the sins? He or his parents?" Apparently the catholic/buddhistic concept of souls, living in different times in different bodies was at that time a commonplace as otherwise his fellower would not have asked: "He or his parents" (e.g. if he was born blind as punishment for sins he could otherwise (before his birth) not have done sins. In the todays section of the baptization prayer of the catholic church (in Germany) it is also said (by the priest): "We thank for sacrament ...." and in a longer list of sacraments to be thanked for "We thank also for the sacrament of rebirth". (observed in a church in North Germany in summer 2004, I asked the priest afterwards whether I heard it correctly; technically it is the only way to realize the catholic "reviving in the flesh" as the bodies decay to CO2 and H2O and spread in aquifers and atmosphere). Some hints on this, mainly under computational aspects, are in part 4b. E.g. in which area might, if it works, solutions be found. ad 4a) Are there possible ways to make what was a miracle 2000 years ago to normal skills now? Where might be entrances to this to test by Religion Science? (Analogon: Technical Simulation of natural abilities; the shark skin for example as coating of the American Yacht (Skipper O Conner) in the Americas Cup). Observations to be systematized are: Jesus interacted with the people directly. He achived considerable effects. Are, unintended, similar observations common today? If such effects exist (even if they are unwanted): Can they be utilized? First observation: It is fairly common that after an accident, even if not physically impacted by anything, people get a very fast heartbeat, a pale white skin, cold sweat. In some rare cases they faint. In very rare case they even die. This is common: Known as shock, nothing special. The point is: No physical impact (factually "software", optical and acoustical input, bad processing by the brain) but a pronounced physical output: Here uncontrolled (deaths) but: Measurable. Second observation (blind vs. non-blind): There had, after the US/Cambodia war also been emigrants from Cambodia in the US. Here: San Francisco/ Los Angeles. Some of them have seen details of the genozide under Pol Pot. It was reported in a newspaper as singular remarkable event that a woman from Cambodia saw a crime scene in the US (in the sense of a really ongoing incident, no cinema) and got blind on the spot. If this is not exaggerated (not everything in the press is data): Without any physical impact the "software" switched to blind, e.g. she "subconsciously did not want to see such a crime" and adjusted the processing of the signals accordingly. As even basics such as whether the world is "upward" is permanently recalculated in the brain, above, changing some processing details, appears not impossible: The experiment for recalculation: If persons wear a prism, reversing the optical input (e.g. upside down) permanently they first see the world, as expected, upside down; after about two weeks they see it normal. If the prisms are removed, the reverse effect occurres (first upside down, than normal). Thus, in principle, both for Jesus and today, interacting with the physical software appears to occurr. For him: Controlled. For us (until now): Often uncontrolled (a possible effect) but to be systamtized and transferred into first usable (see SQL) and later standard (see Google) procedures. It appears reasonable that the low-level "software" compared to BIOS routines, is very robust as otherwise humanity would not have reached the present. Forth observation: In very rare but apparently firmly documented cases so-called "spontaneous healing of cancer" exists. That is: The cancer disappears and nobody knows why. As reported on West German Radio 2 some years ago there was also a classical medical conference on this (e.g. science) in Germany. If, task of Religion Science, the people (e.g. "being at the right place at the right time with the right thought" but not having the touch of an idea about the time-table behind) did the right thing, it needs to be systematized (on a website), analyzed (as it is at the beginning of research at single cases, not statistically (see below) and experimentally tested with volunteers (e.g. if one cannot do anything wrong any more testing is permitted): Of course within the framework of Science inside a university (= not believing anything blindly but testing open-minded). At present singular positive events are sometimes characterized as "coincidence". Even if they are coincidence (a playing child hit the right keyboard-key of an assembler-program that repairs disk-tracks bitwise and, nobody knew why, the disk is restored): The next step is to find out why that particular bit made the difference. That is: Singular successful cases are to be studied open minded. My impression is that more such "singular events" exist than the public is aware of. Collecting them on a university website, explaining them (where possible), reproducing them in apparently related cases (and also reporting why the one was successful, the other not successful a third partially successful) might, together with people from science and medicine, a fruitful task of Religion Science (e.g. turning former miracles into procedures). California (or Berkeley?) might be an open-minded place that is thus suitable to do this. This includes of course observations from all Religions. The housing in a university in the faculty of science ensures that "science-scepticism" that sometimes can be found in religious environments, does not exist. Why under Religion Science? Very simple: Here, at the beginnings, many observations might been made. Many of them might be unexplainable with current knowledge but be explainable some decades later after continued work. If observations from other Religions are pulled also, unfamiliar nomenclatures might appear. The task to decode the meanings in current nomenclature also appears. Popular example: Some say that, beyond pragmatical rules for daily life (and a high score for the next) the Buddhistic religion aims at the Nirwana. It is sometimes translated as "nothing". In fact it might be a translation error. It could be "perfection" (the non-perfect is characterized by the absence of some properties, if an item includes all properties the characteristsics to distinguish it from other perfect items don t exist, that is: The perfect cannot be described by any words). In an institute of Religion Science unexplained observations can from the mentality around religion be more easily stored on disk for later explanation than in an institute of Cell Microbiology (there the unexplained might be regarded as "data noise"). In technology: The first motorflight was one single successful experiment with one particular experimental device. If around 1901 all attempts to fly "heavier than air" would have been tested statistically, motorflight would have been not accepted. In addition (addressing people from bible-research institutes): In statistics the outcome (what is random, what is statistically proven) depends on the conditions before the test. Trivial: The same data-points can lead to the result 100% random, no correlation (rho=0.0) or 100% correlation, no noise (rho=1.0). As students from medicine often learn testing linear correlations (simplified) the standard suits in Geology (considering also sine relations, circular data-distributions, exponential data-distributions) is often not applied. Thus doing the first steps in an informal group of religion-science, comparable to motorflight, without statistics is OK. Later, to ensure correct testing, genetic differences of test persons (see trends on entnicity optimized medicine, accumulation of substances in dark hair compared to less accumulation in blond for example), shall be included. The first step of Religion Science, studying Jesus deeds and aiming to redo some of them, is, if done open-minded, quite pragmatical (and useful). Safety warning: The brain is said to have about 4 billion nerve cells (even if it would be 20 billion: Doesn t matter). These are distributed to specialized regions. In addition a large amount of connections between nerve cells exists (more storage possibilities). A picture (the normal 180 degree angle of they eyes of for example the office in the institute) at 300 dpi, only 24 Bit color depth (the eye distinguishes more than 300 dpi) requires more than 4 Gigabyte. Moving the head: Much more. Adding texture information: Much much more. Thus: Some of the storage principles in the brain can be expected to be comparable to Bezier Curves: Some corner points plus the law of formation of the whole picture (see fractal geometry). Experiment: One can sit in the bus with closed eyes. The prestep of the "optical" input (discussed with a respectove scientist) is generated by the brain itsself, e.g. the "picture" that corresponds to the bus movements. Thus: The data "around us" (the reality) are steadily reprocessed, for example also for reasons of storage capacity. Thus, technologically, the brain is able to regard any overall consistent data input as reality, simply by steady reprocessing. Religious fundamentalism (e.g. by enthusiastic church goers) can be generated this way; incorrect views (such as more children are needed to secure pensions, in Germany a view some groups propose, the opposite, can be calculated, is correct) can also result from this. If thus experiments in this field are made with students the need to apply scientific principles, testing, must always be emphasized. The brain, as said, is able to accept many things as reality. Without testing problems might occurr. Keeping above in mind: More tasks for Religion Science exist: 4-2) Properties of Prayer In many religions the concept of prayer exists. From what is presented it appears like communication to others "on the other side". An informal working group on Religion Science might sort this out (put the results on a website) addressing the following open questions: 4-2a) The spread of words as sound occurres only over very short distances. Thus verbal reading (such as in churches) might have a limited effect. GSM communication works by electromagnetic waves; e.g. the content (the thought) is the thing: Put via an acoustical interface (the mouth of the speaker) into the mobile phone; digitized and transmitted by electromagnetic waves. The answer the opposite way. 4-2b) Bible-based readers might outline the specifications of religious terms. In the catholic churche for example during the service it is read by the priest: "And now we pray to all angels and archangels, cherubs and seraphs .... ". If, according to preliminary religion-knowledge, cherubs might be for example program-directors for certain areas specialists on religion science might outline it. (written politely, no provocation: They might put their knowledge on a website, explaining things clearly). Addressing a program director for microbiology with a question (prayer) from engineering might not be good (formulated compact, I hope I did not offend anybody). Above should for religion-based people be much more exciting than moving evolution out of school-curricula. And if it works: Good for progress. To avoid a misunderstanding: If a person from religion sits at a computer and asks for inspiration on the right keywords for a literature-search to type, so the book with the desired formula appears (why not, if religion is taken seriously). If priests are shocked by this: They might permit questions about their tasks. In extreme cases otherwise some parts of the respective religion might in the future become partially folkore, comparable to the Australian Serpent. Open-minded Religion-Science might thus for the priests be the better alternative. 4-3) Data-flow (experimental and theoretical) Many of us made the experience that data-based several alternatives have the same justification (such as how to write a program; the testing can only be made after the program runs). People from religion-science might be asked to put methods on their website how, according to their work, "people from the other side" might be asked (by optimized thought-formulation, sending, receiving the answer and decoding it, e.g. in which book to look, which algorithm to chose first, on wich url to click). In case of geology potential answers can be tested e.g.: Does a program run correctly y/n. 4-4) Might there be a modem to the "other side"? Recently the Time-Magazine asked (nearly with this words): "Is there a god gene?" It was also reported in a general journal that tomographically it was shown that while praying/meditating the same regions of the brain are active. Such images of course don t prove anything. They only show activity in a certain part of the brain comparable to activity in a certain memory-bench of a computer. Whether in this memory bench a climate model runs or Word is not shown by electromagnetic activity indicators. The question to ask about a modem, its potential properties, the type of the encoded/decoded information (electromagnetic waves?) is however justified. Religion-based people might also address this question. This rather technical formulation is not meant to offend religion-based people. I only think: If what they suspect, expressed in terms of the 21st century, is fully or partially correct, where might the solution be found/found partially? That is: Which research might be done if priests are taken seriously? To avoid any misunderstanding: This includes of course measurements and technologically applications: Sharks for example are said to sense the electrical field around other animals (when hunting). The capacitive switches for the doors of some buses (no touch needed) operate according to a comparable principle. MBB (now part of Airbus/EADS) had years ago on their inhouse journal a photo of a cut-off leaf made with Kirlian photography. Airbus/EADS I regard as high-tech company (e.g. the plane-manufacturer / defense and airspace company). Food ("dead" (in the sense of suitable/unsuitable post-harvest treatment) vs. "not-dead") appears also descernible with related methods. Side-Line: Given the suite of methods that is employed in Geology, Religion Science might turn out to be a high-tech subject Wether it might be extended into "medical remote sensing" (invasion-free analytics) I am not aware of either (tentatively I think it might). A group of Religion Science, within the context of a University, might gather all such methods, sort them, try them out and hope for progress in uncovered fields. 4-5) To be studied: "The other side": Where might it exist? This paragraph is rather technical, e.g.: Any new interpretation must be such that the existing knowledge is included as subset. The examples I chose are meant friendly and constructive, not as offence to religion-based people. I ask just friendly, open-minded, and good-willing: In case religion-based principles work fully or partially: Where might solutions possibly be found? Where can they be definitely excluded? (such as seeking a heaven in terms of kilometers)? and so forth. Principles that might be used (if a working group of Religion Science tries to gather equations to solve and questions to ask): Any "other side" does surely not exist in terms of an altitude, such as "200 km, 40 000 km or billions of lightyears" above. Expressed in religion-nomenclature: The bidirectional travel-time in prayer or, as it sometimes appears, in emergency, appears to be very short. A satellite-based telephone-call has gaps of about a second before the answer comes (experienced several times Muenster-Argentina). Open question 1: Computationally links between electromagnetic waves, energy etc. are given. One central element is the Planck constant. If an "other side" is not "high above" it might be a world around us with a different Planck constant or other properties. The equations, testable, need to be found. (= in case of a really testable solution that includes known physics as subset, a group of Religion Science surely would earn merits; known physics as subset: The experiments in Almogordo, Hiroshima, Fangataufa and other atolls are hard evidence to be included). Open question two: Planes and bodies (in the sense of geometry), also lines can be described by rules/equations by rules/equations that have the property of self-affinity (equations in: B. Mandelbrot, the Fractal Geometry of Nature, I mean the thick, larger than A4, blue book). As computer graphics they became popular. As above: It can be done in a two dimensional plane, in a three dimensional and, using the same equations, for example in a six dimensional (thinking more than three dimensional is normal in paleoclimatology, see above). Didactical Link: In the early eighties in Muenster a colloquium on aspects of computer graphics was held. One aspect: A cube, put on its corners, intersected, yields at its top a point, moving the intersection down, a plane (a triangle), in the middle a square, then again a triangle and at the lowest point a point (visible, also at that time, e.g. well before the VGA graphics card as computer graphics). A four dimensional cube yielded as intersection a threedimensional, to be shown as moving intersection through above computer graphics. Testing in the sense of above colloquium various geometries, including known equations, e.g. time as one of several axes might also lead to progress. Coindicidence vs. Causalities uses 3+1 dimensions in "classical" coordinates. If, in the sense of above colloqium, time is only a coordinate, presence the intersection plane, I would preliminarily suspect that (a) differences between religions disappear (guilt requires causality, karma requires time; in case of fractal geometry (with computationally four or more dimensions, see paleotemperatures) only equilibria would exist computationally and (b) finding favored/unfavored equilibria at different coordinates is an unsolved but interesting task. To avoid any misunderstanding: Which concept is computationally applied is a question of appropriateness, comparable to cartesian or polar coordinates (no need for any fight). Religion Science might also get an applied line: Which future is to be expected (e.g. accross time) religion science also as co-tool for quite economical applications. The most interesting question, according to my view, would be to set up equations that include both, to be tested, "the other side" and known physics. I would propose such a task list (also with the previous e-mail) can be forwarded to US churches (which I don t know) and capable universities. If thus observations from all religions including, also from all religions, collections of "up to now unexplained" assigned for being explained by future progress, sometimes considerable animosities between religions might reduce. Why I put above on this list: (a) as said: For forwarding (b) to overcome the apparent deadlock situation on the evolution y/n discussion: If in the US enthusiastic religious people focus on the really open questions (see also apoptosis, which is an unsolved scientific question), such as by extending religion to religion-science (with open-minded testing) it helps all: Science, the US, people. If US churches, also with their financial abilities, link up with science, progress will result. Best regards Peter ********************************************************************** Dr. Peter P. Smolka University Muenster Geological Institute Corrensstr. 24 D-48149 Muenster Tel.: +49/251/833-3989 +49/2533/4401 Fax: +49/251/833-3989 +49/2533/4401 E-Mail: smolka@uni-muenster.de E-Mail: PSmolka@T-Online.de **********************************************************************
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