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paleonet [Aaas-sections] From the Center for American Progress Action Alert (JohnPodesta's group)

This just in.
                      Nicholas Ashford                                                                
                      <nashford@MIT.EDU        To:       aleshner@aaas.org                            
                      >                        cc:       aaas-sections@aaas.org                       
                      Sent by:                 Subject:  [Aaas-sections] From the Center for American 
                      aaas-sections-adm         Progress Action Alert  (John Podesta's group)         
                      02/22/05 03:56 PM                                                               

Click on the URL link to "introduce" in the message and you will access the
proposed bill.

      Academic Freedom Under Attack

      Conservatives in the Ohio State Senate are considering a bill that
      would prohibit public and private college professors from introducing
      "controversial matter" into the classroom and shift oversight of
      college course content to state governments and courts. The language
      of the bill comes from right-wing activist David Horowitz's "Academic
      Bill of Rights," which recommends states adopt rules to "restrict
      what university professors could say in their classrooms" and halt
      liberal "pollution" on campus. The bill is both redundant and
      misleading – most colleges already have rules ensuring free
      expression (political and otherwise) and Horowitz and his supporters
      have been able to offer scant evidence of widespread political
      bullying. Nevertheless, a variation of the bill was introduced in the
      U.S. House of Representatives and has made inroads in six states. For
      a chance to fight back against the growing influence of the right
      wing on campus, and to help strengthen progressive student voices,
      check out American Progress's brand new website, Campus Progress.

Nicholas A. Ashford
Professor of Technology and Policy
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Mass Ave., MIT E40-239
Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA
Tel: +1 617 253-1664
Fax: +1 617 452-2265