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paleonet Fwd: opportunity for research

Begin forwarded message:

Resent-From: sjcarlson@ucdavis.edu
From: Anne Weil <annew@duke.edu>
Date: January 14, 2005 6:27:58 PM PST
Resent-To: <carlson@email.geology.ucdavis.edu>
To: vrtpaleo@usc.edu
Subject: opportunity for research

Hi all,

Some of you probably talked to Cliff Cunningham at SVP and/or saw this ad on the evoldir, but in case some people didn't, NESCENT looks like it will be really cool, and there is the possibility of opportunity for paleobiological research. So here is a re-post. Note that the center involves evolutionary biologists from UNC and NCSU as well as Duke.
I am pleased to announce the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center
(NESCENT) is pleased to announce calls for proposals for up to 10
PostDoctoral and 5 Sabbatical fellowships.

Please see www.nescent.org for details about applications

PostDoctoral and Sabbatical Fellowships to support ambitious, synthetic
research on any aspect of evolutionary biology and relevant
-Open to fellows of ALL nationalities
-Research projects should be carried out primarily on-site
-We will begin reviewing applications on February 1, 2005
-We will stop accepting applications on March 1, 2005
-Starting dates will be before September 2005

Proposals can include any type of synthetic project, but cannot
include time at the bench or in the field.
Projects can be entirely theoretical and may involve developing
analytical methods and software.
Projects can also be purely empirical, synthesizing data from:

- the literature
- existing databases
- new databases built with NESCENT help
- visits to museums or other data centers
- cooperating laboratories anwhere in the world

Cliff Cunningham
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center Box 90338
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708


Sandra J. Carlson
Department of Geology
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616-8605

Voice: 530-752-2834
FAX: 530-752-0951