Title: creationism / ID in Wisconsin - good
You may have heard that the Grantsburg, WI school board passed a
in October 2004 requiring that "alternative theories"
to evolution be taught in
their science classes. In response to this, Michael
Zimmerman (UW Oshkosh)
organized a campaign to write letters to the board in protest.
Michael drafted
a letter that was signed by 306 biology and religious studies
faculty members
from 42 institutions of higher learning across the state.
He followed this with a
letter from anthropologists, another from geologists, and another
from clergy members across the
state. In addition, there were letters from over 360 high
school and middle school
science teachers, as well as many other Wisconsin residents.
Apparently, over 160
members of the clergy are "going in" next week as well
(I suppose to the school board).
The letter writing campaign attracted local and national media to
the issue.
In short, the school board of Grantsburg has been flooded with
So here is the latest:
At last night's special meeting of the Grantsburg School Board,
the following motion was adopted:
Students are
expected to analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations,
including hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and
weaknesses using scientific evidence and information. Students shall
be able to explain the scientific strengths and weaknesses of
evolutionary theory. This policy does not call for the teaching of
Creationism or Intelligent Design. Motion carried
This is not necessarily perfect, but represents a GREAT
improvement over
the original motion AND shows us all the power of local
Hats off to Michael and everyone who wrote letters to the
Grantsburg board!
If anyone would like to see a copy of any of these letters, let
me know.
Dana Geary
Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics
1215 W. Dayton Street
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 263-7754 or 262-8960