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paleonet "Moral Values" is doublespeak

Dear Paleo-Netters
Lisa Park's message does not convey by half the seriousness of the situation following Tuesday's political disaster. George Bush is merely the figurehead at the lead of a militant group of self-righteous religious zealots that will not stop until all others are either converted, marginalized, or eliminated (take that last one as you see fit, but remember they are also the most ardent supporters of the death penalty). It may be that Bush himself does not realize all the repercussions of his administration and their ideology-driven politics, although I do not give him the benefit of this doubt. Those at the top of his government make their choices based on greed and self-interest, knowing their government-supported increased wealth can insulate them from the detrimental effects of their decisions. Hence we have middle-class tax breaks that enrich the wealthiest 2% in the nation, and a "Clear Sky" initiative for increased air pollution, and "Healthy Forests" for unrestricted logging and denudation of watersheds, and "Wetland Restoration" that paves it over for development or dredges it for shipping terminals. Those at the top also use their power to dole out rewards to their supporters. These folks feel that they've been denied for generations and it's time for them to get their just rewards and let some of the power "trickle down" too.
The ripple effect is plain to see. Bush appoints conservative cabinet members and administrators who MAY be somewhat pragmatic, if for no other reason than they are daily in the public eye and must avoid constant bad publicity. However, they appoint or hire other true believers into the beauracracy and these people in turn are in close communication with the most vocal, financially influential, and extreme members of "the conservative base". As distance from the president increases, freedom to eliminate the scientific/secular increases as does freedom to promote religious conservativism. Witness "faith based" programs that give money to organizations that discriminate on the basis race or sexual orientation, or the distribution of creationist literature in the Grand Canyon gift shop, or the stacking of "scientific" review boards with idealogs and fundamentalist wingnuts who are awaiting rapture and the end times and have no regard for time-tested research or the scientific method. I can confidently predict we will see more aggressive tactics from the religious right, and those in the center and on the left will have a much harder time in opposing them. Centrist politicians, school board members, etc. will feel more pressure, harassment, and intimidation until they bend or break. These folks on the religious right do not accept compromise with nonbelievers, they consider that a defeat, and they mean to win. After all it's for our own good, don't you know.
"Moral values" as a political issue is presented as a reasonable conservative stance on abortion, gays, and embryos. In reality it is part of a smokescreen for a broad agenda that centers on fundamentalist religious dogma as the fundamental law of the land (sound familiar?). Substitute "word of God as in the bible" for the Sharia and the word of the prophet and you can see where the American religious right is heading. Same basic outcome, the difference is in a few details. Scientific methods, research, critical thinking and independent thought represent their mortal enemies and are incompatible with the "true faith".
I certainly agree with Dave Baldwin, if you were upset in 2000 you should be more horrified, terrified and outraged now. The Smirking Monkey and Darth Vader think they have a mandate from the people and their minions will prove to be utterly insufferable and arrogant. I think the real question is will the damage wrought in the next four years be irreparable? We must resist at all levels including local committees, school boards, city councils, literary circles, legislatures, poetry clubs, PACs, advertising boycotts, public radio and TV, blogs and anywhere else we can think of!  If I may paraphrase Mr.. Churchill, " we should defend our country, whatever the cost may be; we should fight them on the beaches, we should fight them in the fields and in the streets, we should fight them in the hills, we shall never surrender.."
Tony D'Agostino
20746 Prince Creek Drive
Katy, Tx. 77450
281-646-1660 adagostino@houston.rr.com
"The limits of a tyrant are determined by the endurance of those that oppose him" Frederick Douglass