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To all Paleonetters, I have rescued some paleo. & paleo.-related library discards and I am willing to mail them to good homes anywhere in the world. The items include paleo., strat., some general geology, and some biology papers. E-mail your wish lists off-line to: stjohn.2@osu.edu Please include your complete mailing address. Please be as specific as possible about which items you’d like. “Anything left over at the end” requests are also welcome. Due to the high volume of requests, expect some time to elapse before you hear back from me about what you may or may not be getting. Best, James St. John stjohn.2@osu.edu ________________________________________ James St. John Founders Hall 156A 1179 University Drive Ohio State University at Newark Newark, Ohio 43055 USA ___________________________________________ Alabama strat. Penhallegon (1940) - Building sandstones of northern Alabama. Geological Survey of Alabma Circular 13. 30 pp. Toulmin & LaMoreaux (1963) - Stratigraphy along Chattachoochee River, connecting link between Atlantic and the Gulf Coastal Plains. Geological Survey of Alabama Reprint Series 4. pp. 385-404. [reprinted from AAPG Bulletin] Ward & Evans (1975) - Coal - its importance to Alabama. Geological Survey of Alabama Information Series 53. 26 pp. Australia paleo. Quilty (1975) - An annotated bibliography of the palaeontology of Western Australia. Geological Survey of Western Australia Report 3. 264 pp. Kentucky strat. Crandall (1877) - Report on the geology of the proposed line of the Elizabethtown, Lexington and Big Sandy Railroad. Geological Survey of Kentucky Report of Progress, Second Series 2(10). 10 pp. [also paginated 351-360] 1 fold-out plate. Moore (1877a) - Report on the geology of the Nolin River District, embracing portions of Grayson, Edmonson, Hart, and Butler Counties. Geological Survey of Kentucky Report of Progress, Second Series 2(2). 56 pp. [also paginated 79-134] several fold-out plates. Moore (1877b) - Report upon the Airdrie Furnace and property, Muhlenburg County, Kentucky. Geological Survey of Kentucky Report of Progress, Second Series 2(4). 28 pp. [also paginated 161-188] 2 fold-out plates. Shaler (1877) - On the origin of the galena deposits of the Upper Cambrian rocks of Kentucky. Geological Survey of Kentucky Report of Progress, Second Series 2(8). 54 pp. [also paginated 277-329] Crandall (1878) - Report on the geology of Menifee County. Geological Survey of Kentucky Report of Progress, Second Series 4(2). 15 pp. [also paginated 167-181] 3 pls. 1 fold-out plate. Moore (1878) - Report on the iron ores in the vicinity of Cumberland Gap. Geological Survey of Kentucky Report of Progress, Second Series 4(5). 14 pp. [also paginated 241-254] Norwood (1878) - A report of a reconnoissance of a part of the Breckinridge Cannel Coal District. Geological Survey of Kentucky Report of Progress, Second Series 4(8). 26 pp. [also paginated 339-364] New Mexico strat. & paleo. Miller & Montgomery & Sutherland (1963) - Geology of part of the southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir 11. 106 pp. 1 large fold-out map. [Precambrian to Cenozoic] Zeller (1965) - Stratigraphy of the Big Hatchet Mountains area, New Mexico. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir 16. 128 pp. 6 fold- out plates. [Precambrian to Cretaceous] Ordovician strat. Liberty (1963) - Geology of Tweed, Kaladar and Bannockburn map-areas, Ontario, with special emphasis on Middle Ordovician stratigraphy (31C/6, 11, and 12) (report and maps 24-, 25- and 26-1963). Geological Survey of Canada Paper 63-14. 15 pp. 3 fold-out maps. [2 copies] Winsemann & Jonen (2000) - Stacking pattern of a storm dominated shelf system: the Early Ordovician Goldisthaler Folge and Frauenbach Group of the Thuringian Slate Mountains. Zeitwchrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 151(3): 287-307. [in German; English summary] Silurian strat. & paleo. Hocking (1991) - The Silurian Tumblagooda Sandstone, Western Australia. Geological Survey of Western Australia Report 27. 124 pp. 1 fold-out map. Devonian strat. & paleo. Copp (2000) - Subsurface faices analysis of Devonian reef complexes, Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Geological Survey of Western Australia Report 58. 127 pp. Carboniferous paleo. & strat. Gould & Ohern & Hutchinson (1910) - Proposed groups of Pennsylvanian rocks of eastern Oklahoma. The State University of Oklahoma Research Bulletin 3. 15 pp. Ohern (1910) - The stratigraphy of the older Pennsylvanian rocks of northeastern Oklahoma. The State University of Oklahoma Research Bulletin 4. 40 pp. 1 fold-out strat. chart. Bell (1948) - Early Carboniferous strata of St. Georges Bay area, Newfoundland. Canada Geological Survey Bulletin 10. 45 pp. 2 folded maps. [includes fossil land plants] Armstrong (1958) - The Mississippian of west-central New Mexico. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir 5. 35 pp. 6 pls. [includes corals, brachiopods, blastoids, trilobites] Armstrong (1962) - Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Mississippian System in southwestern New Mexico and adjacent southeastern Arizona. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir 8. 99 pp. 1 large fold-out. [includes brachiopods, blastoids, corals] Armstrong (1967) - Biostratigraphy and carbonate facies of the Mississippian Arroyo Penasco Formation, north-central New Mexico. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir 20. 8 pp. [includes foraminifera] Pennsylvanian-Permian paleo. & strat. Meyer (1966) - Geology of Pennsylvanian and Wolfcampian rocks in southeast New Mexico. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir 17. 123 pp. 4 fold-out plates. Permian paleo. & strat. Kottlowski & Stewart (1970) - The Wolfcampian Joyita Uplift in central New Mexico. bound with Stewart (1970) - Fusulinids of the Joyita Hills, Socorro County, central New Mexico. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources 23. 82 pp. [includes foraminifera] Mesozoic paleo. & strat. McLearn (1949) - Jurassic formations of Maude Island and Alliford Bay, Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Canada Geological Survey Bulletin 12. 19 pp. 2 fold-out plates. Willard (1964) - Sedimentology of the Upper Cretaceous rocks of Todilto Park, New Mexico. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir 14. 47 pp. Dragastan (1975) - Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous microfacies from the Bicaz Valley Basin (East Carpathians). Institut de Geologie et de Geophysique Memoires 21. 87 pp. 103 pls. [in English; French summary] [includes foraminifera, algae, ciliates, sponges, hydrozoans, corals, serpulids, crinoids, etc.] Vecsei & Goldbeck & Heunisch & Luppold & Mandau (2000) - Stratigraphy and facies analysis in the Muschelkalk of the southwestern Germanic Basin (northern Saarland). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologische Gesellschaft 151 (3): 246-276. [in German; English & French summaries] [includes conodonts & spores] Eocene paleo. & strat. Illies (1949) - Lithogenesis of the Lower Eocene in northwestern Germany. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Staatsinsitut in Hamburg 18: 5-44, 2 pls. [in German] Tourtelot (1957) - The geology and vertebrate paleontology of Upper Eocene strata in the northeastern part of the Wind River Basin, Wyoming. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 134(4). 27 pp. [uncut] [includes mammals & molluscs, etc., etc. Miocene paleo. & strat. Iliescu & Hinculov & Hinculov (1968) - Geologic and paleontologic studies of the Mehadia Basin. Comitetul de Stat al Geologiei, Insitutul Geologic Memorii 9. 201 pp. 42 pls. [in Romanian; English & French summaries] [includes corals, bivalves, gastropods, echinoids] Hoshi & Nakamura (2003) - Geology of the Miocene Hokusetsu Subgroup (lower Shitara Group) in the Yasuhashi area, Shitara town, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan 54: 269-278. [In Japanese; English summary] Tertiary paleo. & strat. Moisescu (1972) - Stampian and Egerian molluscs and echinoids from the Cluj- Huedin-Romanasi region (northwestern Transylvania). Institut Geologique Memoires 16. 152 pp. 38 pls. [in French; English summary] [includes bivalves, gastropods, echinoids, scaphopods] Terrestrial Biogeography Ohio Biological Survey (1983) - Teays-age drainage effects on present distributional patterns of Ohio biota - an Ohio biogeography conference: abstracts and supplements. Ohio Biological Survey Informative Circular 11. 15 pp.
Partial index: