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Re: paleonet technical qu: Mac G5 dual and Paup 4.10

bivalve wrote:

>-----Original message-----
>From: "Nikolaus Malchus" n.malchus@gmx.net
>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 10:32:23 -0400
>To: "mollusca list" molluscalist@uclink4.berkeley.edu
>Subject: paleonet technical qu: Mac G5 dual and Paup 4.10
>> Hi,
>> Can anybody tell me whether Paup versions (e.g. 4.10)
>> work with Mac G5 dual processors? or whether there is an older version that
>> does?
>> Thanks,
>> Niko

Have run it on a dual G5 - it runs OK in classic mode. It won't take 
full advantage of dual processors, but will still work at a decent speed.



 Dr Mark D. Sutton
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