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Dear colleagues, The project of an International Congress on Bivalvia to be held at the Universitat Autònoma Barcelona end of July 2006 is slowly taking shape. I am currently in contact with the Sociedad Española de Malacología (SEM) (of which I am member) to check out possible collaboration. It will be the SEM's turn in 2006 to organise the next Malacological Congress of the European Malacological Societies of Italy, Portugal, France, and Spain. (The present year's congress is held in Italy). Should this not work out, the SEM is prepared to adjourn their congress until 2008. I hope to have set up a webpage with more detailed information between March-June 2005. Please stay tuned for news. I kindly ask readers to broadcast this message and especially ask editors of malacological journals to contact me if it is possible to post information or circulars in their journals. There were about 50 interested colleagues (neontologists, paleontologists, physiologists, taxonomists, genetisists, etc) in my preliminary mailing list. Unfortunately, I lost the e-mail addresses due to a computer crash and could not rescue all of the e-mail addresses, e.g. Roger Knoll (you listen?). I hope this problem is now resolved by having outsourced the addresses to a professional provider. [by the way, outlook express caused many problems to say the least, but you probably all know that.] I will send this meassage to molluscalist, paleonet as well as to all in my "Bivalvia2006" mailing list. So, some of you will get the message twice or thrice - my apologies for this x-posting. Colleagues, who do not get this message through my personal mailing list but who are interested in participating and want to be kept posted may send me a brief notice. You will help me to calculate the dimension of the congress. Vice versa, should you be on the list but don't want to, let me know so that I can delete the e-mail address. My sincere thanks in advance for your collaboration. Cheers, Niko -- ------------------------------------------------------------- cc: nikolaus.malchus@uab.es --- Dept. de Geologia/Unitat Paleontologia Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Campus, Edifici Cs 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), Catalunya SPAIN --- Tel 34-93-581-1464 Fax 34-93-581-1263 -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------- cc: nikolaus.malchus@uab.es --- Dept. de Geologia/Unitat Paleontologia Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Campus, Edifici Cs 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), Catalunya SPAIN --- Tel 34-93-581-1464 Fax 34-93-581-1263 -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------- cc: nikolaus.malchus@uab.es --- Dept. de Geologia/Unitat Paleontologia Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Campus, Edifici Cs 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), Catalunya SPAIN --- Tel 34-93-581-1464 Fax 34-93-581-1263 -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------- cc: nikolaus.malchus@uab.es --- Dept. de Geologia/Unitat Paleontologia Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Campus, Edifici Cs 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), Catalunya SPAIN --- Tel 34-93-581-1464 Fax 34-93-581-1263 -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 ADR;WORK:;;Campus, Edifici Cs;Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès);;08193;Catalunya, Spain EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET;W:n.malchus@gmx.net FN:Nikolaus Malchus LABEL;WORK:Campus, Edifici Cs Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), 08193 Catalunya, Spain N:Malchus;Nikolaus;;Dr.;; NICKNAME:Niko ORG:Universitat Autònoma Barcelona;Dept. Geologia/Area Paleontologia TEL;WORK;FAX:xx34 93 581 1263 TEL;WORK;VOICE:xx34 93 581 1464 TITLE:Dr. REV:20041022T192833Z END:VCARD
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 ADR;WORK:;;Campus, Edifici Cs;Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès);;08193;Catalunya, Spain EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET;W:n.malchus@gmx.net FN:Nikolaus Malchus LABEL;WORK:Campus, Edifici Cs Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), 08193 Catalunya, Spain N:Malchus;Nikolaus;;Dr.;; NICKNAME:Niko ORG:Universitat Autònoma Barcelona;Dept. Geologia/Area Paleontologia TEL;WORK;FAX:xx34 93 581 1263 TEL;WORK;VOICE:xx34 93 581 1464 TITLE:Dr. REV:20041022T155008Z END:VCARD
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 ADR;WORK:;;Campus, Edifici Cs;Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès);;08193;Catalunya, Spain EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET;W:n.malchus@gmx.net FN:Nikolaus Malchus LABEL;WORK:Campus, Edifici Cs Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), 08193 Catalunya, Spain N:Malchus;Nikolaus;;Dr.;; NICKNAME:Niko ORG:Universitat Autònoma Barcelona;Dept. Geologia/Area Paleontologia TEL;WORK;FAX:xx34 93 581 1263 TEL;WORK;VOICE:xx34 93 581 1464 TITLE:Dr. REV:20041022T154801Z END:VCARD
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 ADR;WORK:;;Campus, Edifici Cs;Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès);;08193;Catalunya, Spain EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET;W:n.malchus@gmx.net FN:Nikolaus Malchus LABEL;WORK:Campus, Edifici Cs Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), 08193 Catalunya, Spain N:Malchus;Nikolaus;;Dr.;; NICKNAME:Niko ORG:Universitat Autònoma Barcelona;Dept. Geologia/Area Paleontologia TEL;WORK;FAX:xx34 93 581 1263 TEL;WORK;VOICE:xx34 93 581 1464 TITLE:Dr. REV:20041022T153510Z END:VCARD
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