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paleonet Re: Research Associate position at Uppsala University

Uppsala University announces the availability of the following post

Assistant professor/Research Associate in Biological Response to Cenozoic Climate Changes

at the Department of Earth Sciences, within the Palaeobiology programme
Current research within the Palaeobiology programme addresses the early diversification of single-celled organisms during the Proterozoic, early evolution of Metazoans, especially during the Cambrian explosion, Ordovician biodiversification, and Quaternary palaeoecology (www.palaeobiology.geo.uu.se/Mainpages/english.html). Research projects span the whole history of life on Earth, but this appointment is focussed towards the Cenozoic. Programme research targets questions concerning the evolution of organisms and programme members are expected to be deeply engaged in this area over the next decade.
Appointment period: The position can be held for a maximum of 4 years.
Nature of duties: The appointment concerns research within Palaeobiology, with special reference to research into organismal response (especially evolution and distribution changes) to climate changes at Quaternary (Milankovitch) timescales within all or part of the Cenozoic. The appointment also involves teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level within the scope of the Palaeobiology programme. This includes supervision of students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. The proportion of undergraduate teaching is a maximum of 20%. The applicant is expected to contribute to other department and programme activities.
Qualifications required: To qualify for appointment as Assistant Professor/Research Associate you must have a PhD. Priority is given to applicants who have completed their PhD within 5 years of the application deadline. Furthermore, according to Uppsala University's general employment regulations, it is also a requirement that teachers possess the necessary skills and qualifications to carry out their duties proficiently. The ability to teach in Swedish or English is a requirement. The successful candidate is expected to teach in Swedish within two years.
Criteria for ranking: In ranking qualified applicants particular importance will be attached to scientific excellence. Applicants with research experience within Palaeobiology will be given first priority. Experience of post-doctoral research, and a documented ability to initiate/lead research project(s) is highly desirable. The ability to cooperate, good communication skills (both oral and written) and teaching proficiency are required. Applicants should have a formal education in Earth Sciences or Biology, with sufficient background to fulfill the teaching duties required in Palaeobiology .

In filling this position, the university aims to recruit the person who, in a combined evaluation of competence, skills and documented qualifications, is judged most suitable to carry out and develop the work-in-hand and to contribute to a positive development of the department and programme.

Personal circumstances that may be of positive relevance to the application, for example parental leave, should be mentioned in the list of qualifications (CV).
Uppsala University is striving to achieve a more even gender balance in its research and teaching staff and women are especially invited to apply for this position.

Application procedure: The application (2 copies) must be written in English together with reprints of scientific work (1 copy) according to the instructions that can be found on the Faculty of Science and Technology homepage http://www.teknat.uu.se/english/instructions.php, or available from Gudrun Lundmark, Office for Science and Technology, phone +46 18 471 1871, e-mail Gudrun.Lundmark@uadm.uu.se, fax +46 18 471 1999.
Information on the post is available from the Head of Programme, Professor Keith Bennett, phone +46 18 471 2580, e-mail: Keith.Bennett@geo.uu.se
The trade union representatives are Anders Grundström, SACO (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations), phone +46 18 471 5380 and Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees), phone +46 18 471 1996, Lars-Olov Boivie, SEKO (the Union of Service and Communication Employees), phone +46 18 471 3315.

Your application should be directed to the Vice-Chancellor, Uppsala University, and mailed so as to arrive at Uppsala University, Registrar's Office, ref. no. UFV/PA 2004/3433, Box 256, S-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden, or fax +46 18 471 2000, by 28 October 2004 (at the latest). If the application is sent by fax a signed original should be sent by post within a week of the deadline.

See als:

Lars Holmer (Professor)
Uppsala University
Department of Earth Sciences / Palaeobiology
Norbyv. 22, SE-75236 Uppsala, Sweden
phone:   +46-18-4712761 mobile: 070-4682655
fax:       +46-18-4712749
e-mail:  Lars.Holmer@pal.uu.se