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RE: paleonet Reprints Available-Stratigraphy,etc.

sorry Andy,
   the last one just went out the door half an hour ago!
---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 13:07:45 -0500
>From: "Andy Rindsberg" <arindsberg@gsa.state.al.us>  
>Subject: RE: paleonet Reprints Available-Stratigraphy, etc.  
>To: <paleonet@nhm.ac.uk>
>Dear Chris,
>The Diaby thesis would be very useful for the Survey's 
library, as well as
>the Appalachian field trip guidebooks. I think we have most 
of the others
>already. (The Survey Library has about 250,000 items and is 
one of the
>largest geologic libraries in the Southeast.)
>Andrew K. Rindsberg
>Geological Survey of Alabama
>P.O. Box 869999
>Tuscaloosa, AL 35486-6999
>UPS address: 420 Hackberry Lane
>-----Original Message-----
>From: paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk 
[mailto:paleonet-owner@nhm.ac.uk] On Behalf
>Of mah@uiuc.edu
>Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 11:18 AM
>To: PaleoNet@nhm.ac.uk
>Subject: paleonet Reprints Available-Stratigraphy, etc.
>    I have some reprints and misc.journals to be given away. 
>Mostly stratigraphy and related topics. First come, first 
>serve. Please email me offlist at mah@uiuc.edu I'll mail 
>to you.
>     sorry for the spam!
>*AAPG Bulletin vol. 62, 1,2,3,4,6 (from 1978)
>*Diaby, I. 1981. Microfacies of the Salem Limestone (Middle 
>Miss.) Southwestern Illinois, USA. Master's Thesis, U. 
>Illinois-Urbana, Champaign.
>*Rainwater and Zingula. 1962. Geology of the Gulf Coast and 
>Central Texasd and Guidebook of Excursions. Published by 
>Houston Geological Society for the 1962 Annual Meeting of 
>Geol. Soc. America and Assoc. Societies, Houston, Texas, 
>*Moore, R.C. and D.F. Merrian. 1965. Upper Pennsylvanian 
>cyclothems in the Kansas River Valley. A field conference 
>guidebook for the annual meetings, GSA and assoc. societies, 
>Kansas City, MO.
>*Dutro, J.T. 1971. Paleozoic Perspectives: A Paleontological 
>Tribute to G. Arthur Cooper. Smithsonian Contributions to 
>Paleobiology 3.390 pp. Hardcover.
>*Ehlers, G.M. 1973. Stratigraphy of the Niagaran Series of 
>the Northern Peninsula of Michigan. Museum of Paleontology 
>Papers of Paleontology 200 pp.
>*Cooper, B.N. Geological Guidebook No.1. Grand Appalachian 
>Field Excursion with a description of the Pennsylvanian 
>along the West Virginia Turnpike by Arkle, T. and I.S. 
>Latimer Jr. An excursion held before the 1961 annual meeting 
>of GSA 1961 in cincinnati, OHio.
>*Lane, R.H. and P. Brenckle. 1977. Guidebook for Field 
>Carbondale 1977. Vol.1 PRemeeting Field Trip, The Type 
>section of the Meramecian Series.  Guidebook for a 
>field trip held in conjunction with 11th annaul meeting of 
>NCGSA 1977 at SIU in Carbondale.
>*Kesling, R.V., A.M. Johnson, H.O. Sorensen. 1976. Devonian 
>strata of the Afton-Onaway Area, Michigan. Museum of 
>Paleontology, Papers on Paleontology No. 17148 pp.
>*Harbaugh,J.W., D.F. Merrian, J.L. Wray, T.E. Jacques. 1965. 
>Pennsylvanian Marine Banks in Southeastern Kansas. A Field 
>conference guidebook for the annual meetings, The GSA and 
>assoc. Societies Kansas City, 1065.
>*Palmer, J.e. and R.R. Dutcher. 1979. Depositional and 
>structural history of the Pennsylvanian System of the 
>Illinois Basin. Part 2: Invited Papers. Field Trip 9/Ninth 
>International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and 
>Geology.158 pp.
>*Kesling, R.V., R.T. Segall, and H.O. Sorensen. 1974. 
>Devonian Strata of Emmet and Charlevoix Counties, 
>Michigan.Museum of Paleontology, Papers on Paleontology No. 
>*Kesling, R.V. 1975. Revision of Upper Ordovician and 
>Silurian rocks of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan. Museum 
>of Paleontology, Papers on Paleontology No. 9, 32pp.
>*Easton, W.H. 1962. Carboniferous formations and faunas of 
>Central Montana. Geological Survey Professional Paper 348. 
>126 pp. & plates.
>*Ford, T.D. 1967. Deep Weathering, Glaciation and Tor 
>formation in Charnwood Forest, Leicestershire. The Mercian 
>Geologist 2(1):3-14
>Chris Mah
>Dept. of Geology, University of Illinois
>245 NHB, 1301 W. Green St., Urbana, Il 61801
Chris Mah
Dept. of Geology, University of Illinois
245 NHB, 1301 W. Green St., Urbana, Il 61801