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RE: paleonet Reorganization of Earth Sciences Division of US-NSF

Dr. Smolka:

The reorganization is just in the Earth Science Division.  The Ocean
Division remains the same.  Shallow time paleoclimate (Quaternary and
Recent) will still be handled out of the Paleoclimate Program of the
Atmospheric Division where modeling against modern climates is possible.
Deep Time paleoclimate will be largely handled out of the new SEP Section of
the Earth Science Division.  There is a lot of the same kind of work handled
out of the office of Polar Programs for the Antarctic. There is a new
developing deep time paleoclimte initiative termed Geosystems (see
http://geosystems.ou.edu)  Keep tabs of this project.  I hope you see a lot
more of it in the future.  It certainly could be a larger more international
cooperative effort as it develops, if the scientific community sees a need
to take it that way. 

Rich Lane 

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Paul Smolka [mailto:smolka@uni-muenster.de]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 11:55 AM
To: paleonet (E-mail)
Subject: Re: paleonet Reorganization of Earth Sciences Division of

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004, Lane, Harold wrote:

> Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 12:22:01 -0400
> From: "Lane, Harold" <hlane@nsf.gov>
> Reply-To: paleonet@nhm.ac.uk
> To: "paleonet (E-mail)" <paleonet@nhm.ac.uk>
> Subject: paleonet Reorganization of Earth Sciences Division of US-NSF
> National Science Foundation
> 4201 Wilson Boulevard
> Arlington, VA 22230
> Directorate for Geosciences
> Division of Earth Sciences
( ... )
> RE:  A New Structure for the Organization of the Division of Earth
> Dear Colleague;
> The purpose of this letter is to announce a new organizational structure
> the Division of Earth Sciences (EAR).  For the past 15 years, EAR has been
> organized in two Sections: 1) the Research Grants Section, providing
> for most of the core research programs, and 2) the Special Projects

( ... )

Dear Dr. Lane,

for the community and me the question:

To which area is the Ocean Drilling Program (IODP/ODP) assigned to?

To which the related things like climate (incl. ocean, land, ice etc.)

Reason for the question:

It is possible to expect current and future cooperation partners
align accordingly.

An early information might be helpful.

Best regards,

Peter Smolka

Dr. Peter P. Smolka
University Muenster
Geological Institute
Corrensstr. 24
D-48149 Muenster

Tel.: +49/251/833-3989   +49/2533/4401
Fax:  +49/251/833-3989   +49/2533/4401
E-Mail: smolka@uni-muenster.de
E-Mail: PSmolka@T-Online.de