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Three GSA sessions that contain presentations on the Geosciences and Religion that may be of interest to Paleonetters are coming up at the meeting next week in Seattle. All should expand on some of the topics presented at the successful Paleo Society short course on Creation and Evolution convened at GSA a few years ago. Session No. 4.(last 3 presenters especially): 8:00 AM-12:00 PM, Sunday, Washington State Convention and Trade Center: 2A Geoscience Education I: Issues in K?12 Science Education, Religion, and Outreach to the Public Alexander Glass and Becca A. Walker, Presiding 11:00 AM WHY CREATIONISM? AN INSIDE LOOK AT THE CONSTRUCTION AND CULTURE OF PSEUDOSCIENTIFIC THEISM: GLASS, Alexander 11:15 AM FOSTERING OPEN COMMUNICATION WITH THE RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY BY AVOIDING SCIENTIFIC DOGMA: GRAYMER, Russell W. 11:30 AM SUCCESSFUL STRATEGIES FOR ACCOMMODATING THE FUNDAMENTALIST MINORITY IN GEOSCIENCE EDUCATION: STONE, George Session No. 63--Booth# 81 Geoscience Education (Posters) I Washington State Convention and Trade Center: Hall 4-F 8:00 AM-12:00 PM, Monday, November 3, 2003 (65005) [poster] COSMOLOGIES: COMBINING SCIENCE AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES TO ENHANCE STUDENTS' UNDERSTANDING OF TIME AND THEIR RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE AND ITS INHABITANTS. D. D. Rhodes, G. E. Yocum Session 249 T39. History and Future of the Relationship Between the Geosciences and Religion: Litigation, Education, Reconciliation? from 1:30-5:30 pm on Wednesday, Nov. 5, WSCTC 2A. 1:30 PM (Abstract ID#63419) IN THE BEGINNING: RELIGION AND GEOLOGY IN THE ERA OF NICOLAUS STENO CUTLER, Alan H., Department of Paleobiology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, ahcutler@aol.com. 1:45 PM (Abstract ID#66929) STASIS AND EVOLUTION IN GRASSROOTS CREATIONISM SCOTT, Eugenie C., National Ctr for Sci Education, 420 40th Street, Ste. 2, Oakland, CA 94609-2509, scott@ncseweb.org. 2:05 PM (Abstract ID#57257) COUNTERING PUBLIC MISPERCEPTIONS OF THE HISTORICAL SCIENCES MILLER, Keith B., Department of Geology, Kansas State Univ, 108 Thompson Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-3201, kbmill@ksu.edu. 2:25 PM (Abstract ID#58668) INTELLIGENT DESIGN AND YOUNG-EARTH CREATIONISM?INVESTIGATING NESTED HIERARCHIES OF PHILOSOPHY AND BELIEF ROSS, Marcus R., Geoscience, URI, 317 Woodward Hall, 9 East Alumni Ave, Kingston, RI 02881-2019, mros1106@postoffice.uri.edu. 2:40 PM (Abstract ID#67814) THE GENESIS FLOOD IN PRE-DARWINIAN AMERICAN GEOLOGY : THE CASE OF EDWARD HITCHCOCK STILING, Rodney L., History, Seattle Pacific Univ, 414 Alexander Hall, 3307 Third Avenue West, Seattle, WA 98119, rstiling@spu.edu. 2:55 PM (Abstract ID#64508) RELIGIOUS ATTITUDES, THE WILDERNESS ADVENTURE, AND THE STUDY OF EARTH HISTORY: REFLECTIONS FROM THE COLORADO RIVER EXPEDITION OF 1871-1872 BIELER, David B., Department of Geology, Centenary College of Louisiana, Shreveport, LA 71134, dbieler@centenary.edu. 3:10 PM Break 3:25 PM (Abstract ID#61513) STRATA OR TABULAE? GEORGE MCCREADY PRICE'S CRITIQUE OF BIOSTRATIGRAPHY STEARLEY, Ralph, Geology, Geography and Environmental Studies, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, rstearle@calvin.edu. 3:40 PM (Abstract ID#62415) GEOLOGY EDUCATION AT EVANGELICAL WHEATON COLLEGE: HISTORY AND APPROACHES MOSHIER, Stephen O.1, GREENBERG, Jeffrey K.1, and MAAS, David E.2, (1) Geology Department, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL 60187, stephen.o.moshier@wheaton.edu, (2) History Department, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL 60187 4:00 PM (Abstract ID#66134) SAINTS, POPES, AND JESUITS: AN OVERVIEW OF THE INTERACTION OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH WITH THE GEOSCIENCES BRATTON, John F., North Falmouth, MA 02556 4:15 PM (Abstract ID#66818) THE EVOLUTION OF CREATIONIST PERSPECTIVE ON THE FOSSIL EQUID SERIES WISE, Kurt P., Bryan College, Box 7802, Dayton, TN 37321-7000, wise@bryancore.org, WOOD, Todd C., Bryan College, Box 7604, Dayton, TN 37321-7000, and CAVANAUGH, David P., 27329 Alberta Drive, Harvest, AL 35749 4:30 PM (Abstract ID#62323) THE AUTHORITY OF SCIENCE IN THEOLOGICAL REASONING: WITH CASE STUDY WAHL, Eugene R, Advanced Studies Program and Environmental and Societal Impacts Group, National Ctr for Atmospheric Rsch, 3450 Mitchell Lane, Boulder, CO 80301, wahl@ucar.edu. 4:45 PM (Abstract ID#57878) HOW TO NOT GET QUOTED BY ANTIEVOLUTIONISTS CAMPBELL, David C., Biological Sciences, Biodiversity and Systematics, Univ of Alabama, Box 870345, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0345, bivalve@mail.davidson.alumlink.com. 5:00 PM (Abstract ID#62793) USING THE CONCEPT OF APPARENT AGE TO INVITE CREATIONISTS ON BOARD THE GEOLOGICAL BANDWAGON WAGNER, John R., Geological Sciences, Clemson Univ, School of the Environment, 340 Brackett Hall, Clemson, SC 29634-0919, jrwgnr@clemson.edu. 5:15 PM (Abstract ID#59420) THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RELIGION AND SCIENCE: MOVING FROM ANTAGONISM TO MUTUAL RESPECT DAVIDSON, Gregg R., Geology & Geological Engineering, Univ of Mississippi, Carrier 118, University, MS 38677, davidson@olemiss.edu. ____________________________ John F. Bratton, Ph.D. Coastal and Marine Geology Program U.S. Geological Survey 384 Woods Hole Rd. Woods Hole, MA 02543 Phone: 508-457-2254 Fax: 508-457-2310 email: jbratton@usgs.gov http://woodshole.er.usgs.gov/ ____________________________
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