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Re: paleonet Estimating value of paleo collections

Hi Rowan,
  We have to do that sort of thing all the time for parts of the collections, 
or newly acquired collections etc. We have a small list of appraisers, 
usually with different areas of expertise, who will visit periodically and do 
value estimates. That's basically what our insurance companies require. I 
think that the first step would be for you to find out exactly what the 
insurance requirements are for value estimates. If they'll go with your own 
estimates, then yes, you can consult commercial sources such as Ward's (but 
those prices tend to be overestimates of actual replacement values), or what 
seems to be the biggest repository these days-- E-Bay.

On Monday 27 October 2003 08:08, you wrote:
> Hi folks,
> My college is reorganizing our insurance program and has asked me to
> estimate the value of our fossil collection (primarily a teaching
> collection). I don't have much experience in this area and was wondering if
> anyone out there had any advice on how to proceed? I'm especially
> interested in estimates of teaching collection size and value from other
> colleges/universities.
> Thanks very much for your time,
> Rowan Lockwood
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>------------------------------------------------- Regular mailing address:
> Rowan Lockwood
> Department of Geology
> The College of William and Mary
> P.O. Box 8795
> Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795
> Fed Ex mailing address:
> Rowan Lockwood
> Department of Geology
> The College of William and Mary
> McGlothlin-Street Hall Rm 226
> Williamsburg, VA 23185
> Phone: 757/221-2878
> Fax: 757/221-2093
> Email: rxlock@wm.edu

Dr. Peter D. Roopnarine, Chair, Asst. Curator
Department of Invertebrate Zoology & Geology
California Academy of Sciences
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco CA 94118-4599

Phone: (415) 750-7085
FAX: (415) 750-7090
WWW: http://www.calacademy.org/research/izg/roopnarine/peter.htm
No more wars please