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MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT FOR PALAEOZOIC PALYNOLOGISTS phytoPal workshop 2003 12th December Department of Geology University of Leicester Leicester LE1 7RH United Kingdom In 2003 the Leverhulme Trust awarded a Research Interchange grant to Dick Aldridge (University of Leicester) to enable closer links to be formed between scientists interested in Palaeozoic acritarchs and prasinophyte algae. The name phytoPal was, therefore, coined. The free exchange of ideas lies at the heart of phytoPal. This exchange takes place via regular workshop meetings, through discussion on an email distribution list and through exchange visits. The first workshop of the phytoPal project will be hosted by Dick Aldridge and Gary Mullins at the Department of Geology, University of Leicester on Friday 12th December 2003. This workshop is timed to occur just prior to the 47th annual meeting of the Palaeontological Association at Leicester on the 14th-17th December [http://www.palass.org/]. The workshop is an informal day long meeting for all Palaeozoic palynologists to present talks and posters on aspects of their on-going research projects. Financial assistance to cover part of the cost of travel to the meeting and/or accommodation may be available for participants who intend to present talks on acritarch and prasinophyte algal research topics [contact Gary Mullins at glm2@le.ac.uk]. The deadline for registration, which is free, and abstract submission is the 31st October 2003. Refreshments and a buffet lunch will be provided on the day. Further information is available from http://www.le.ac.uk/geology/glm2/phytopal_workshop_2003.htm Registration Details and abstracts of talks/posters should be submitted to Gary Mullins [glm2@le.ac.uk] by 31st October 2003. Name. Institution. Street. City. Postcode. Country. Telephone. Fax. E-mail. I intend to travel to the meeting by car, coach, train (delete as applicable) I wish to present a talk/poster (delete as applicable). Title of talk/poster. Abstract (less than 250 words).
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