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FW: paleonet GPS unit

Hi Xavier,

I am fowarding this via Paleonet as I was bounced back off your e-mail
address, apologies to others on the list.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bowden, Alan 
Sent: 06 May 2003 13:43
To: 'cogombra@hotmail.com'
Subject: RE: paleonet GPS unit

Hi Xavier,

I have recently purchased a Garmin GPS 72 which is the new upgrade from the
basic Garmin GPS 12.  This appears to be an excellent unit, fully
waterproofed and rugged (essential for field use) and has a computer socket
for downloading/uploading data or map source information (the special
computer adapter lead is an extra). 

I use this unit for marking sampling locations for repeated live foram
analysis on our local Dee and Mersey estuaries.  It has shown excellent
repeatability in providing location positions and with a sufficient level of
accuracy for sample collection.

The unit is sold with a tide prediction function that only operates for
North America.  Apparently Garmin Europe are trying to obtain permission
from the various European hydrographic offices to release their data for
inclusion on the unit.  This may be available in a few months time.

GPS units will vary in their functions but most of the new models now
released will have the same basic level of accuracy.  Some of the e-trex
series are light and 'stylish' to appeal to the walking leisure market.
However, they do not quite match up to the new GPS 72 in terms of positional
accuracy and ruggedness for field work applications.  You will need to make
sure that the GPS unit you select will have all of the necessary chart
datums and Grids for whatever use you are putting it to.  The GPS 72 is very
comprehensive in this respect.

Hope this is of some use


Alan J. Bowden
Curator of Earth Sciences
National Museums Liverpool
Liverpool Museum
William Brown Street
Liverpool L3 8EN
Tel 0151 478 4367

-----Original Message-----
From: Xavier Panades I Blas [mailto:cogombra@hotmail.com]
Sent: 06 May 2003 11:56
To: PaleoNet@nhm.ac.uk
Subject: paleonet GPS unit

Hi everybody,

I am intending to buy a GPS unit. I used a Garmin GPS unit in the past, 
however, I have been advised that newr and improved models are on the 

I am looking something good in price and quality for a student. Any 


Xavier Panades I Blas, Ms

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