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DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES, UCL Lecturer in Palaeobiology The Department of Earth Sciences will appoint a Lecturer in the general area of Palaeobiology from 1 October 2003. We welcome applications from active and innovative researchers working in any aspect of Palaeobiology, but particularly encourage applicants who are interested in developing new areas of collaborative research in Palaeoceanography, Palaeontology, Palaeoenvironments, and Basin Evolution. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to our undergraduate teaching (including fieldwork) programme. This appointment will be on the Lecturer A/B scale £22,191 - £33,679 plus £2,134 London Allowance. For further information and to apply, please contact the Head of >Department, Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, WC1E 6BT or email: HoD-earthsci@ucl.ac.uk We particularly welcome women and black and ethnic minority applicants as they are under represented at this level within University College London (s.48 of the SDA 1975/s.38 of the RRA 1976 apply). Applications should reach us by 22 April 2003, and should include the names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of 3 referees. Interviews are likely to be held in the period 12-15 May 2003. Lecturer in Palaeobiology - further particulars University College London is one of the leading multifaculty research universities of the UK, and is located in the heart of London. The Research School of Earth Sciences, comprising the colocated departments of UCL and Birkbeck College, is one of the largest departments in the UK, with 34 permanent academic staff, 16 research fellows, and 70 full and part-time research students. As part of a full range of research and teaching activities in the Earth Sciences, we run an M.Sc. programme in Micropalaeontology, an undergraduate programme in Palaeobiology in collaboration with the Department of Biology, and we have strong research links with the Natural History Museum. The Lecturer in Palaeobiology will collaborate with existing staff in teaching our undergraduate programme of class and field-based courses in palaeontology and related areas, as well as higher-level courses in the Lecturer's own field of interest. The Lecturer will also expected to supervise postgraduate students and develop an externally-funded research program. More information about the College can be found on http://www.ucl.ac.uk/. For information about the Department of Earth Sciences, its staff and research activities, go to http://www.earthsci.ucl.ac.uk/.-- ****************************************************************** Dr. Jackie A. Lees Dept. of Earth Sciences Honorary Research Fellow, UCL University College London Chief Consultant, Industrial Nannoplankton Gower Street Laboratory (BioChron) London, WC1E 6BT, UK Palaeoceanography Laboratory Technician, RHC Editor, Journal of Nannoplankton Research Phone: +44-(0)20-7679-2424 Mobile: +44-(0)7905-220704 Fax: +44-(0)20-7388-7614 E-mail: j.lees@ucl.ac.uk Websites: http://www.es.ucl.ac.uk/ http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/ina ****************************************************************** "As the lion stepped over her body, paws the width of her face, the punching-the-lion-in-the-nose advice struck Carter as woefully inadequate." Cater Beats the Devil by Glen David Gold
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