Dilshat Hewzulla and Michael Boulter
Palaeobiology Research Unit, University of East London, Romford Road, London E15 4LZ, boulter@uel.ac.uk
Why Interactive Manipulation?
Reliability and Fuzzy Features of Data
Data Models
public interface FuzzyObject{
A fuzzy implementation object represents one kind of implementation of a fuzzy feature, parameters of which will be stored in the corresponding fuzzy object. Any element in the possibility-set and the certainty-set of such an object can be retrieved by sending the messages "getElementFromSet" and "getCertaintyFromSet". The "castToPossibility" message is very important in various calculations. When the possibility-set object is sent as the parameter of the message "castToPossibility" to a fuzzy object, the certainties of each element in the possibility-set are calculated, and the result stored in the possibility-set object as a certainty-set. An object representing the fuzzy data can be mapped to any subset of the domain universal set by sending the "castToPossibility"message. In other words, the application can send any possibility-set to any fuzzy object without knowing whether the object contains the relating information. If the fuzzy object does not contain the relating information represented by the possibility-set, the state of the possibility-set object will not be changed.
Manipulating Enigmatic Data
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